Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 125 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 89

An adult on the spectrum advises parents on how to help their children learn to laugh at themselves and with others in a positive way .
Autism Parenting Advice

Learning to Laugh

By Claudia Rose Addeo , MS

An adult on the spectrum advises parents on how to help their children learn to laugh at themselves and with others in a positive way .


would always say , “ Sorry , blonde moment !” as a cover-up whenever I didn ’ t understand something right away . Now that I ’ m back to my natural hair color as a brunette , I guess I have to come up with a new reason as to why I don ’ t always understand things right away .
I mean … I could always just be honest and respond with : “ Well , I was cross-diagnosed with learning disabilities when I was 18 months old , and I have spent my entire life overcoming obstacles due to my cognitive delays , so that might be the reason why it takes me a few extra seconds to understand something !” For some reason , most people tend to quiet down once I hit them with that reality check . I know , crazy , right ?
I guess as a 24-year-old published author and inspirational speaker with a Master ’ s Degree in Literacy Education , most people don ’ t expect me to still
Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 125 | 89