Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 125 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 87

What ’ s New on the

Bookshelf ?

My Nothingness Gone , My World Speaks

By Erin Elizabeth Eyer

How often can we journey in the footsteps of one who for decades could not communicate ?

Imagine how it feels to live in a world alone , where you are unable to communicate with the people in your life , a life almost underwater . This was the world of Erin Elizabeth Eyer for 35 years until assistive technology unleashed her voice .
Now Eyer invites us to visit her world with My Nothingness Gone , My World Speaks , an altogether different kind of book , as your guide . A gifted visual artist and poet , Eyer creates a rich experience to be repeated , conjuring words and images not easily forgotten .
Taken together , the works demonstrate Eyer ’ s highly impressionistic and idiosyncratic perspective — just the sort of viewpoint an artist should have . The color and texture of words , as well as paint , provide the necessary intensity to give voice to her experiences and emotions . It ’ s an intensity that readers will carry away with them .
My Nothingness Gone , My World Speaks is a unique collection created by a woman who does not speak yet creates art through a variety of forms that surpass the spoken word .
Eyer ’ s beautifully produced book of poetry and art , ranging from painting to sculpture , is a groundbreaking statement published to share and celebrate her life and creativity while challenging limiting and painful cultural myths surrounding people on the autism spectrum .
Eyer is excited to contribute to the body of art and invention created by people on the spectrum and hopes to encourage others to follow their own creative vision . She hopes My Nothingness Gone , My World Speaks will inform and inspire conversations in venues from education and the arts to public policy .
For more information visit myworldspeaks . org
Erin Elizabeth Eyer ’ s art has been featured at galleries in the Seattle area . A native of Washington state , she has been privileged to travel to other parts of the world , providing her rich insights and experiences that have contributed to the material in her book
A D V E R T I S E M E N T Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 125 | 87