Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 125 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 7

Autism Parenting


Editor ’ s Letter

In this issue , we ’ re unwrapping the hot topic of Applied Behavior Analysis ( ABA ) Therapy . ABA is a long-standing therapy used for children on the autism spectrum to target challenging behaviors , increase social and communication abilities , as well as teach life skills .

Most autism parents have heard of ABA and many are big supporters . Others are somewhat skeptical . At Autism Parenting Magazine , we remain balanced on most topics : we believe ABA ( and indeed all therapies ) is only ever as good as the provider . We ’ ve heard many positive stories from families about ABA and we ’ ve also heard from parents who are unsure . So , we ’ re tackling some of the biggest FAQs surrounding ABA in this month ’ s pages .
Featured articles from autism experts include What Are the Principles of ABA ?, Can Parents do ABA Therapy at Home ?, What Does ABA Contribute to the Autism Community ?, and What You May Not Already Know About ABA Therapy .
We ’ ve also compiled an article asking How Much Does ABA Therapy Cost ? This piece explains the options of state-funded therapy , insurance company backing , school-funded therapy , scholarships and financial assistance , and private payment .

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The other side of applied behavior analysis is considered in Karla Pretorius ’ article , Exploring the Controversy Around ABA Therapy , which includes stories from autistic adults who have had negative ABA experiences . We know it ’ s important for parents to be well-informed when making any decision for their children and we hope this content helps .
Also in this issue , we ’ re looking at home design for hyper and hyposensitivities , ways to avoid handwriting regression over the summer , the use of artificial intelligence for autism diagnosis , and so much more .
Enjoy the read .

Editor Autism Parenting Magazine
Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 125 | 7