Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 125 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 5

59 Understanding Grief : Through the Eyes of a Psychiatrist and Autism Mom
An autism mom and child psychiatrist shares her journey through grief and accepting her son ’ s autism diagnosis . Lorerky Ramirez-Moya , MD and Allison Hopkins
63 Can AI Technology Help Tackle Disparities in Autism Diagnosis ?
Will artificial intelligence soon play a part in diagnosing autism spectrum disorder ? David Happel , MBA
66 Q & A : HELP
An educator offers a mom advice for her kid who struggles with patterns and numbers . Ron Malcolm , EdD
68 What ’ s New on the Bookshelf ?: The Twins Superpowers
Written in both English and Spanish , this book shares the adventures of a set of twins on the spectrum .
69 Leaving Only The Hard Part of Autism
An autism mom shares how she came to terms with her son ’ s diagnosis . Katie Emde
72 What You May Not Already Know about ABA Therapy
Offering readers an inside perspective into the potential benefits of ABA therapy . JC Ellinger , MBA
75 ASD Marketplace : SammySocks Etc .
Learn about SammySocks Etc ., which offers socks for men , women , and children .
76 An AUTISM Interview with John Hale
A conversation with autism dad John Hale about his family ’ s journey . Derrick Hayes
78 A Cup of Coffee With … Carol Garner-Houston , Brain Harmony
79 Dramatic ? Or Passionate and Expressive ?
A look at how you , as a parent , can identify your child ’ s red flags and develop coping strategies . Karen Kaplan , MS
82 What ’ s New on the Bookshelf ?: Expect a Miracle
A moving book co-authored from the separate voices of an autistic young adult and his mother .
83 Q & A : Answering ABA Queries from Parents
An ABA provider answers parents ’ most pressing questions about ABA therapy . Angela West , MS , BCBA , LBA
86 ASD Marketplace : The Safety Sleeper ®
Learn about this medical enclosed safety bed for those who can benefit from a secure sleeping space .
87 What ’ s New on the Bookshelf ?: My Nothingness Gone , My World Speaks
Discover this unique book created by a woman who does not speak , yet creates art through a variety of forms .
89 Learning to Laugh
An adult on the spectrum advises parents on how to help their children learn to laugh at themselves and with others in a positive way . Claudia Rose Addeo , MS
92 FAQs about Guardianship ( Continued )
Financial planner Ryan Platt builds on his advice for parents confused about applying for Guardianship for young adults . Ryan F . Platt , MBA , ChFC , ChSNC
An award-winning publication on a mission to improve the quality of life for families impacted by autism worldwide .
Editor : Emily Ansell Elfer
Editorial Assistant : Andréas RB Deolinda
Copyeditors : Yolande Loftus , Claire Delano
Advertising Manager : Dian Pascua
Marketing Communications : Edna Castillo
Customer Support : Shanice Luna
Graphic Design : Nebojsa Dolovacki , Natasha Dolovacki
Contact : Editorial : editor @ autismparentingmagazine . com Advertising : advertising @ autismparentingmagazine . com Customer Support : support @ autismparentingmagazine . com

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Disclaimer :
Autism Parenting Magazine tries to deliver honest , unbiased reviews , resources , and advice , but please note that due to the variety of capabilities of people on the spectrum , information cannot be guaranteed by the magazine or its writers . Medical content , including but not limited to text , graphics , images , and other material contained within , is never intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice , diagnosis , or treatment . Always seek the advice of a physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition , and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read within .
Parenting Magazine | Issue 124 | 5