Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 125 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 44

Applied Behavior Analysis ( ABA )
skills tailored toward understanding why someone behaves in a particular way .
All too often , those without a firm grasp of behavior put the blame for interfering behaviors solely on the learner . The learner is difficult ; the learner is noncompliant . These words and the implication of them on a person ’ s educational programming often results in wasted time , ineffective interventions , and strained relationships .
By the time a behavior analyst walks in on the scene , the learner may have low self-esteem and fractured relationships , not to mention a reputation as “ bad ” or “ difficult .” Herein lies an important distinction within ABA and the work of behavior analysts . ABA dictates that learners behave in a way because they have learned to , not because they are bad or difficult .
They are people behaving in the way they know how to get what they need . The job of a behavior analyst is not to stop a learner from behaving but rather to teach a learner to behave in new , varied ways .

The behavior analyst approach to behaviors

First , the behavior analyst assesses the variables influencing the interfering behaviors , focusing on those factors that work together to produce such behaviors in that specific context . Figure 1 outlines the process of information-gathering , including multiple avenues to collect evidence .
Each of the measures in Figure 1 provide information on why the learner engages in the behaviors , from contributing skills and strengths to environmental and medical factors . Furthermore , it shows quantitative data on the frequency , duration , or intensity of the behaviors . The end result yields data-informed theories on why a learner engages in these behaviors and recommendations for ways to teach new skills .

Final thoughts

We know behavior change is scary . As parents , it is incredibly difficult to decipher the good , the bad , the ugly , and the unsafe when it comes to all of the interventions and even individual practitioners out there . We can ’ t tell you what you should do , we can only provide you with our view and experiences of ABA .
Within the world of behavior change , ABA provides some of the only research-based , scientific interventions geared towards assessing and teaching behaviors . Yes , ABA is a science filled with numbers and data analysis , but it is very much a science of possibility and hope . As behavior analysts , we believe promoting an individual ’ s ability to communicate , work , live , love , and choose their community leads to a happier , more fulfilling life .
44 | Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 125