Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 125 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 34

Advice for parents on how much ABA therapy costs and how to go about funding it for your child .
Financial Planning
By APM Staff

How Much Does ABA Therapy Cost ?

Advice for parents on how much ABA therapy costs and how to go about funding it for your child .

ABA therapy is a long-standing treatment for children with autism spectrum disorder ( ASD ) and can be used in a wide range of settings , including home-based and in the classroom . However , with some children requiring up to 40 hours of ABA therapy every week in order to unlock its full potential , paying for it can be a scary prospect .

How much does ABA therapy cost per year ?

When you complete the most basic research into the cost of ABA therapy in the U . S ., the figure of
$ 120 per hour with a board-certified ABA therapist is likely to scare you .
After all , simple math shows that even a few hours each week could cost you dearly :
� 10 hours per week x $ 120 = $ 1,200 per week or $ 62,400 per year
� 20 hours per week x $ 120 = $ 2,400 per week or $ 124,800 per year
� 40 hours per week x $ 120 = $ 4,800 per week or $ 249,600 per year
Quite frankly , those figures make therapy a chal-
34 | Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 125