Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 125 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 17

ABA : good or bad ? Below , we unveil some of the viewpoints of adults on the autism spectrum regarding this form of therapy .
Applied Behavior Analysis ( ABA )

Exploring the Controversy Around ABA Therapy

By Karla Pretorius , M . Psych

ABA : good or bad ? Below , we unveil some of the viewpoints of adults on the autism spectrum regarding this form of therapy .

This article shares some of the opinions of autistic adults about Applied Behavior Analysis ( ABA ) therapy and their recollections of therapy sessions . We often see information from therapists and scientists in various research studies , but we do not as often see the opinions of those on the receiving end . Through this article , my aim is to provide you , as the parent and the true expert on your child , with information from less-heard voices to help you make a decision about the most appropriate therapy for your loved one .

Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 125 | 17