Autism Connection of PA Newsletter Summer 2019 | Page 2

Executive Director Letter

Dear Readers,

Often it seems that in our office we "change hats" (an idiom meaning we switch tasks) multiple times per day. Depending on how hard the world is being on people with autism who reach out for help, and how complicated solutions might seem, at times it feels our brains are like constantly changing Rubic's cubes as we seek answers for multiple issues happening at once. And so we might drop into each others' offices, chat about a recipe, or talk about something goofy we saw on social media. We all need to balance out the serious with the silly to keep moving forward.

Open Up PGH has been super generous and creative in offering yoga classes at our place over the past month. Talk about balance - there's nothing like working through the day knowing that we get to see extra friends and stretch out with them at 6:30 that night in a really fun yoga practice. Thanks so much Megan and Nikki for bringing mats, a breathing ball, your minds and hearts into our classroom space; we hope we can do that again in the near future.

Maybe that "floor time" is what spurred a recent shopping spree that coincided (balanced) with a gift from a bride and groom who decided to skip wedding favors and donate the cost instead, to us. Basically, Julia and Nathan funded a model sensory room we are installing with shaggy carpet, extra large puffer balls, bean bag chairs, and a variety of noise-cancelling headphones people can try before buying on their own (sanitary earphone covers are also in house!) What an awesome gift that will help a lot of people experiment with some items before spending money, when funds seem always a little more valuable with disability in the picture.

Lastly, we are balancing out some pretty heavy work in the Allegheny County Jail, helping them with various screening, intake, communication and treatment approaches for people who arrive at the jail and who seem autistic or who are able to say that they are. This is a really big project we hope will be life-changing for those who become entangled in the legal system. And after that launches, we have something of a polar opposite event - Disney's the Lion King returning to the Benedum for an autism-friendly show on Saturday September 14th. Super serious balancing with Broadway - our jobs are never dull!

Thank you, as always, for your support on this sort of "balance beam" we walk upon to come through on our mission of being a lifeline and central hub of support, information and advocacy. We literally could not do this without your moral and financial support, your connections, and your positive energy!

Wishing you a healthy rest of the summer ~ be sure to do some nice things for yourselves!