Authorpreneur Magazine Issue 3 | Page 13

Images by Amber Gardener of Naturalight Photography

I Write . . .

by Nicky Johnston

For years a pokey corner of a room on a congested antique desk with a very dated , slow modem computer was the environment that proved to be perfect for my words and artwork to flow .
Only last year was I inspired to completely gut the room and start fresh , designing my office from scratch .
I am a children ’ s book author and illustrator and recently reconfigured my ‘ writing space ’ to incorporate a lovely , spacious desk that spans two whole walls . I am very lucky to have a large window that allows in the perfect amount of natural light . I have my favourite essential oils burning in my electric oil burner , igniting my sense of smell .
In the redesign of my new office , I have given myself plenty of room to spread out . I use a lot of visual references , and resource books when I am writing which are easily accessible . My computer has two screens so I have plenty of room on my desktop too . I use both PC and Mac , so of course I also have a comfy swivel wheel chair gliding between the writing and illustration elements of my work .
My vision board and inspirational artwork quotes hang on the walls close by to keep me focused on my goals . Framed illustrations of my previous books remind me of the journey I have travelled .
Having said all of this , this isn ’ t actually where most of my initial idea writing takes place . My ideas are usually written on scraps of paper or in my ‘ notes ’ on my iPhone / iPad ; most of the time in the middle of the night , while in the shower , vacuuming or in sitting traffic . My first children ’ s book skeleton idea was written on the back of a parking ticket while waiting at early morning traffic lights .
Although when redrafting and editing , l just love my new office space . I love the freshness , the ‘ down to business ’ organised feel I get as soon as I sit down . I need quiet time where I can lose myself for as long as required . ( With four children that usually late involves late nights and very early mornings ). I love having my thesaurus , dictionary right on hand , as well as my favourite online resources .
In my new office I also have a designated illustration space . I have recently been time-lapse recording my illustration process , so I designed and built a contraption to incorporate LED lighting as well as a camera stand . I have all my materials and visual resources right on hand . This would have to be one of my favourite spaces to create my artwork .
I believe creativity is born from any environment , sometimes those even quite inconvenient . But for a very busy mum / teacher / artist / author / illustrator I am inspired every single day that I get to work in my office . The perfect environment for both my writing and illustrations ..... for now anyway ! www . nickyjohnston . com . au
www . authorpreneurmagazine . com
April 2013