Authentically You Magazine January 2017 | Page 19

Authentically You Magazine , 19
Q . Tell us a little about who Aime is .
Looking at my life today , I wouldn ’ t imagine as a young girl that I was going to accomplish all that I have . At first the doctors gave me 24hrs to live and survive . I grew up in Pickering , Ontario , Canada in a loving home , however life at school was a struggle . I had border line learning disabilities , and was told I would never write well . The educators said that I would struggle in the core subjects of school . I repeated grade 3 , and had lots of extra help in school core subjects just to get a passing grade .
On top of the academic struggle I was severely teased and bullied for 6 years between grades 3 – 8 . The constant name calling every day played on my self esteem . I didn ’ t have much confidence in myself while in school . What did help me was Girl Guides and Pathfinders . There I could be myself , and excel in the activities we were doing . I loved camping , being in the outdoors , and volunteering .
Aime Hutton , from Calgary , Alberta , Canada is a true miracle survivor , being born 3 months early was only the start of the obstacle ’ s she ’ s overcome in her lifetime . As an Empowerment Leader , and a threetime International Best Selling Author / Compiler Aime empowers , leads , and guides the next generation of girls to discover , embrace , and celebrate their own unique gifts , talents , and confidence . Accompanying women on their own journeys as they inch by inch engineer their own path to empowerment of girls in their own communities .
We had the opportunity to speak to this amazing woman on how she has decided to live her life authentically .
University for me was also a challenge . I continued to struggle with my tests / exams and was diagnosed with anxiety . With having the low self esteem and low self confidence I jumped into a relationship that I thought was going to be ‘ the one ’ to marry and start a family with after finishing university . However , I was wrong . This relationship was emotionally abusive . Then after I ended the relationship in between year 1 and 2 he stalked for the remaining years on campus while I attended my studies full time living away from home on campus ( years 2 , 3 , and 4 ).
Now today in Calgary , Alberta , Canada I help tween and teen girls discover , embrace , and celebrate their own unique gifts , talents , and confidence . Speaking on stages sharing my story of resiliency , and overcoming challenges brings audiences to their feet of cheers believing they too can achieve goals . As well as I proved the educators wrong , I am currently an international best selling author , with my own compiled book as well that became International Best Seller in under 7hrs !