This section is to keep everyone within the industry up to date with all the latest news and gossip, if you have some hot
news off the press please let us know. Send any news submissions to: [email protected]
Magazine on
atural Bodz Magazine is making waves in the digital
magazine world having just been announced as the top
selling magazine on the massive digital magazine
platform Magzter!
hether you love it
or hate it television
is one of the most
powerful and far
reaching forms of media
in the world today.
It’s all about exposure,
reaching a bigger viewing audience and we are
proud to say that Natural Bodz to date has
received some great television exposure both at a
National and International level. With Front Cover
images having appeared on popular Australian
Television shows such as Under Belly and Big
Brother with more to come with an appearance on
one of the USA’s top reality TV shows!
Magzter has over 2000 magazines on their digital platform with
over 10 Million users. Natural Bodz is now available for the tech
savvy users of the latest digital devices for single issue sale and
for subscription on Apple devices (iPads, iPad minis, iPhones),
Google Play devices (Android Tablets and phones), Windows 8
devices, Amazon App Store, Huawei App Store.
Steve Jones said “We get regular email from TV
producers, directors requesting the use of images
or referrals for talent. This is not only great
exposure for our magazine but also the athletes
that appear in our publication”.
Editor Steve Jones said “Our magazine is now available in over 30
different languages across a huge digital platform, this is great
news for the athletes we feature in our magazine and advertisers
as it opens the doors to major global exposure”.
“With our magazine being available on huge digital
platforms like Apple Newsstand it really puts our
magazine in front of a vast international viewing
audience including decision makers within the TV
and movie industry”.
For Apple iPad and iphone there is a dedicated APP for viewing
on the Apple Newsstand platform. This can be found by doing a
search for “Natural Bodz” on itunes, or within Newsstand.
There is also a direct link to the digital subscriptions on our official
website www.naturalbodzmagazine.com.
Exposure, exposure, exposure..... is everything in
this industry or any other industry for that matter.
We are excited about bringing you more news on
Natural Bodz TV appearances in up and coming
Stay tuned..... for more Natural Bodz “As Seen on