Australian Esoteric Australian Esoteric Issue 4 | Page 18

In February 1965 a national UFO group congregation was held in Ballarat. Andrew Tomas was the NSW delegate and gave a lecture entitled Purpose of Coming to Earth. The talk examined ‘the global exploration and the world crisis theories,’ stressing that contact between planetary civilisations could become the greatest challenge of all time. At the conference, a new public group structure was formed with the title ‘Commonwealth Aerial Phenomena Investigation Organisation’ (CAPIO). Later the same year the Tasmania UFO Investigation Centre (TUFOIC) was founded. At the invitation of Victorian groups VUFORS and PRA, the eminent Dr. J Allen Hynek visited Australia in 1973, spending four days in Melbourne, followed by short stops in Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane. During his stay in the ACT, he was able to talk with Shamus O'Farrell, discussing the latter’s famous 1954 Sea Fury incident. Having met with Rev. William Gill in Victoria, who was involved in the well-documented ‘close encounters of the third kind’ case famously reported at the Anglican mission village at Boianai, Papua New Guinea, Dr. Hynek travelled on to PNG, and undertook a detailed on site investigation into this famous case. During his time here, Dr Hynek requested that the Australian groups forward copies of interesting Australian sighting reports to the US-based Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) and, as a result, the Australian Co-ordination Section (ACOS) of CUFOS was established the following year. By 1978 VUFORS, with a new and invigorated executive in control, had the largest membership of any UFO organisation in the Southern Hemisphere. By 1980, ACOS became the Australian Centre for UFO Studies (ACUFOS) under the control of Dr Martin Gottschall, and UFO Research Australia (UFORA) was formed by Vladimir and Pony Godic. Although files on UFO sightings had been available to Defence Personnel (as well as Civilians Defence Personnel) for years, they remained closed to outside researchers. In October 1979, however, the Air Force invited Victorian researchers to visit the Intelligence Cell at RAAF Headquarters Support Command in Victoria, to view the majority files collection and copy what they wished. This was a significant turn-around by the Defence Force and the start of a period of remarkable co-operation between government departments and civilian groups. It was not until 1981 that a selection of general UFO files could be s