Australian Doctor Australian Doctor 7th September 2018 | Page 31

31 7 SEPTEMBER 2018 Dermatology Dr Theone Papps is a Clinical Dermatology Research Fellow at St George Dermatology & Skin Cancer Centre and Central Sydney Dermatology, Sydney. This article was co-authored by Associate Professor Stephen Shumack, staff specialist at Royal North Shore Hospital and a Clinical Associate Professor at Sydney University, NSW. Warts and all: a common issue SIMON, 45, who has been taking adalimumab (a tumour necrosis factor inhibitor) for severe psoria- sis, presents with hyperkeratotic lesions on his index fi nger (pictured). These have been present for two months. He does not take any other medication, does not smoke and drinks minimal alcohol. aged care should be supported by culture sen- sitivities where possible. For an uncomplicated UTI caused by sensitive organisms, the recom- mended treatment is trimethoprim, cefalexin, amoxycillin and clavulanic acid, or nitrofuran- toin. 5 Trimethoprim is best administered at night to maximise bladder concentration and is safe in patients with creatinine clearance greater than 30mL/min. 5,6 The rate of trimethoprim resistance in E. coli