Australian Doctor Australian Doctor 7th September 2018 | Page 13

NEWS 13 7 SEPTEMBER 2018 QUOTES OF THE WEEK “They might measure the dose by what they’ve read around clinical trials, but the purity of street MDMA could be 20%. Other adulterants potentially include meth.” Hormone link to dementia Clare Pain ELDERLY men with low testosterone levels may be at greater risk of devel- oping dementia than their peers with higher levels of the sex hormone, Australian research shows. More than 4000 men aged between 71 and 88 who were demen- tia-free at baseline, were followed for a decade during the Health in Men Study conducted in Perth, WA. Around 500 of the men devel- oped dementia, however, men in the lowest quartile of total testosterone had an almost 40% higher risk of developing dementia compared with those in the highest quartile, the authors reported. Similar results were seen for free testosterone and oestradiol, but not for dihydrotestosterone, said the researchers led by Professor Osvaldo Almeida, a specialist in geriatric psy- chiatry at the University of WA. “The link between testosterone and cognition appears to be biologi- cally plausible,” the authors wrote. They added that brain regions typically affected by dementia, such as the hippocampus, had a high den- sity of androgen receptors, and these might be important in the neuropro- tective effects of testosterone. But whether giving testoster- one to men at risk of dementia would prevent or delay the disease remained to be determined in ade- quately powered trials. In the study levels of sex hor- mones were measured with a sin- gle blood test at baseline between 2001 and 2004. Follow-up consisted of examining health service records to see if participants had developed dementia of any type up to the end of 2013. The NHMRC-funded study is believed to be the largest prospec- tive investigation of the association between sex hormones and inci- dent dementia in older men. It comes on the back of studies of testoster- one supplementation in cognitively impaired animals that had shown cognitive improvement Psychoneuroendocrinology 2018; online. A L ittle R ed F AVOURITE o f T HE I RON D EFICIENT W OMAN Dr Prashanth Puspana- than on the dangers of underground ‘psychedel- ic’ psychotherapy involv- ing the administration of illicit drugs such as LSD for anxiety or psilocybin for depression. # “It doesn’t matter how much money you put into it, it’s a bit like putting petrol in a car that is up on blocks.” Hobart obstetrician Dr Frank O’Keeffe com- pares the state’s dys- functional health system to a broken-down car. “This is a great example of a government policy that is intended to control all of us and how we drink.” Independent NT MP Robyn Lambley on the looming introduction of a $1.30 minimum price per standard alcoholic drink in the territory. FERRO-GRAD C ORAL FIRST-LINE TREATMENT FOR IRON DEFICIENCY 1 Ferro-Grad C is Australia’s No.1 GP-recommended iron supplement 2 – the only one with added Vitamin C to aid absorption. *1,3 Recommend daily for 3-6 months. 1,4 # Based on IMS Sales Data, April 2018. Market research, October 2014, GP diagnosed iron deficient consumers. *Of the commercially available forms of iron therapy suitable for the treatment of iron deficiency. Ferro-Grad C contains dried ferrous sulfate 325 mg (equivalent to 105 mg elemental iron) and sodium ascorbate 562.4 mg (equivalent to 500 mg Vitamin C). For the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency. References: 1. Iron Deficiency [revised March 2016]. In: eTG complete [Internet]. Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited; March 2017. Accessed April 2017. 2. National Prescribing Service (NPS). Case study 66 report: Iron-deficiency anaemia. January 2011. 3. Brise H & Hallberg L. Acta Med Scand 1962;171 (Suppl 376):51–8. 4. Pasricha SS et al. Med J Aust 2010;193:525–32. Mylan Health Pty Ltd trading as Mylan Health (ABN 29 601 608 771) of Level 1, 30 The Bond, 30-34 Hickson Road, Millers Point, NSW 2000, Australia. Ph: 1800 314 527. Ferro-Grad C is a registered trademark. FGC-2018-0005. May 2018. MYL0061_A4. MYL0061_FERRO_GRAD_C_210x273_GP_R2_FA.indd 1 5/30/18 10:48 AM