Australian Doctor Australian Doctor 15th December 2017 | Page 23

A L ittle R ed F AVOURITE o f T HE I RON D EFICIENT W OMAN FERRO-GRAD C ORAL FIRST-LINE TREATMENT FOR IRON DEFICIENCY 1 # Ferro-Grad C is Australia’s No.1 GP-recommended iron supplement 2 – the only one with added Vitamin C to aid absorption. *1,3 Recommend daily for 3-6 months. 1,4 # Based on IMS Sales Data, February 2017. Market research, October 2014, GP diagnosed iron deficient consumers. *Of the commercially available forms of iron therapy suitable for the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia. Ferro-Grad C contains dried ferrous sulphate 325 mg (equivalent to 105 mg elemental iron) and sodium ascorbate 562.4 mg (equivalent to 500 mg Vitamin C). For the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency. References: 1. Iron Deficiency [revised March 2016]. In: eTG complete [Internet]. Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited; March 2017. Accessed April 2017. 2. National Prescribing Service (NPS). Case study 66 report: Iron-deficiency anaemia. January 2011. 3. Brise H & Hallberg L. Acta Med Scand 1962;171 (Suppl 376):51–8. 4. Pasricha SS et al. Med J Aust 2010;193:525–32. Mylan Health Pty Ltd trading as Mylan Health (ABN 29 601 608 771) of Level 1, 30 The Bond, 30-34 Hickson Road, Millers Point, NSW 2000, Australia. Ph: 1800 314 527. Ferro-Grad C is a registered trademark. FGC-2017-0010. April 2017 ABB3325_A3.