Australian Doctor Australia Doctor 18th August 2017 | Page 8

News Docs’ waiting-room ‘scuffle’ scares kids Dr Kumar says he was under a lot of stress. GEIR O’ROURKE POLICE are investigat- ing a waiting-room brawl between a practice owner and another GP that saw blood spilled in full view of patients. An onlooker has described her distress as she shielded her young daughter from the fight, which allegedly began as an argument over a patient and spilled onto the street outside the My Family Doctors clinic in Townsville, Queensland, last month. The witness, who had been waiting with her daughter for an appoint- ment at the practice, told the Townsville Bulletin that the punch-up started after practice owner Dr Praveen Kumar began swearing at a staff doctor. “An elderly lady’s fin- ger had been cut open … they were arguing, and [Dr Kumar] was swearing, ‘If I told you to do the stitch, you do the f***ing stitch’,” she said. “My child was scared; another woman’s child was scared.” The staff doctor, who was allegedly injured above his right eye, filed a formal complaint with Queensland Police after the incident and was later taken by ambu- lance to Townsville Base Hospital. The 45-year-old told police he had hit the ground after being punched on the right side of his face by Dr Kumar. Queensland Police said Dr Kumar, whose medical reg- istration was suspended in August 2016, had not been charged over the alleged assault but was assisting them with their inquiries. When contacted by Aus- GPs defend schools program A L ittle R ed F AVOURITE o f T HE G