Australian Doctor Australia Doctor 18th August 2017 | Page 14

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SPIRIVA ® Respimat ® ( tiotropium ) significantly delays time to first severe exacerbation of asthma vs placebo , when added to ICS / LABA , p < 0.05

SPIRIVA ® Respimat ® in asthma :

Now available for symptomatic adult asthma patients as an add-on therapy to ICS / LABA † 1

ICS ( ≥800 μg budesonide / day or equivalent ) plus LABA , in patients who experienced ≥1 severe exacerbations in the past year .
ICS , inhaled corticosteroids ; LABA , long-acting beta 2 agonist
PBS Information : Restricted benefit . Severe Asthma Code 11043F . Refer to PBS Schedule for full restricted benefit information .
Please review Product Information before prescribing . Full Product Information is available at www . boehringer-ingelheim . com . au / PI . Further information is available from Boehringer Ingelheim Pty Ltd .
SPIRIVA ® RESPIMAT ® ( tiotropium bromide ) solution for inhalation . INDICATIONS : COPD : Long term maintenance treatment of bronchospasm and dyspnoea associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ). Prevention of COPD exacerbations . Asthma : Add-on maintenance bronchodilator treatment in adult patients with asthma , currently treated with the maintenance combination of inhaled corticosteroids ( ≥800 µ g budesonide / day or equivalent ) and long-acting ß 2 agonists and who experienced one or more severe exacerbations in the previous year . CONTRAINDICATIONS : Hypersensitivity to tiotropium bromide , atropine or its derivatives , or to any of the excipients . PRECAUTIONS : Should not be used for : treatment of acute episodes of bronchospasm , relief of acute symptoms , first-line treatment for asthma . Immediate hypersensitivity reactions , narrow-angle glaucoma , prostatic hyperplasia , bladder-neck obstruction , urinary retention , micturition difficulties , dry mouth , inhalation-induced bronchospasm , recent myocardial infarction (< 6 months ), unstable or life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia within past year , hospitalisation for heart failure within past year , moderate to severe renal impairment ( CrCL ≤50 mL / min ), pregnancy , lactation , children . Avoid solution or mist entering eyes . INTERACTIONS : Co-administration with anticholinergic drugs . ADVERSE EFFECTS : Common : Dry mouth , usually mild . Others , see full PI . DOSAGE : For oral inhalation . 5 μg tiotropium given as two puffs once daily , at the same time each day . Do not exceed recommended dose . Cartridges to be used only with RESPIMAT inhaler . July 2015 .
References : 1 . SPIRIVA Respimat Approved Product Information , 13 September 2016 . 2 . Kerstjens HA , et al . N Engl J Med 2012 ; 367 : 1198 – 1207 . SPIRIVA ® and RESPIMAT ® are registered trademarks of Boehringer Ingelheim . Boehringer Ingelheim Pty Ltd . ABN 52 000 452 308 . 78 Waterloo Road , North Ryde , NSW 2113 . AUS / SPI-161245f . BISR12631W / AD / FP . July 2017 .