Australian Doctor 8th March issue | Page 5



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GP accused of ‘ dangerous ’ views

Carmel Sparke THE Premier of Tasmania has
Branding her views “ misleading and dangerous ”, AMA Tasmania said
to get jabbed .” She then said vaccinating some-
were at risk . And they knew that in 2020 ,” she said .
defended his party ’ s decision to
doctors should ensure their “ medical
one to protect others had never
Dr Sladden has also written reg-
select a doctor accused of “ danger-
opinions are based on peer-reviewed
been the aim of vaccination and was
ular articles for The Spectator Aus-
ous ” COVID-19 anti-vaccination
evidence ”.
“ completely illogical ”.
tralia advocating for those who had
views as a candidate for the Tasma-
Dr Sladden , who denies being
Dr Sladden described the vaccine
lost jobs , or “ suffered injuries from
nian state election .
anti-vax , will face voters on 23 March
mandates introduced in Tasmania
the injections ”.
Dr Julie Sladden , who refused
in the seat of Bass .
during the pandemic as unethi-
Premier Jeremy Rockliff stood
COVID-19 vaccinations during the
In an interview with Liberal
cal , saying that only the elderly and
by his party ’ s decisions to include
pandemic — claiming they were
MP Russell Broadbent posted on
those with comorbidities were at
Dr Sladden as part of the 35-strong
unnecessary , potentially harmful
YouTube , she said : “ I was forced
serious risk from COVID-19 .
“ team of the decade ”.
and did not prevent transmission
to close my practice in the wake
“ Most of the population didn ’ t
Her views were part of the
— was among 35 Liberal candidates announced last month .
of the [ vaccine ] mandates back in 2021 … because I simply refused
need to worry . We needed to focus our protection on those groups that
“ broad church ” of the party , he said .
Dr Julie Sladden .

Are the UTI guidelines outdated ?

evidence that suggests
certain sorts of squamous
cells actually get sloughed all
the way down from the kidney .
“ That does not necessarily
mean it is contaminating your
sample ; it is just a demonstration
of your sample .”
Dr Couchman and USANZ
president Professor Helen
O ’ Connell have both argued
for new guidelines to formally
recognise chronic UTIs .
In the UK , the NHS has
already updated its public
advice to recognise chronic
UTIs , saying some patients
have UTI symptoms that
“ do not go away ” — possibly
caused by bacteria embedding
in the bladder lining .
Its advice states that testing
does not always detect chronic
infections , yet they can have a
“ big impact ” on quality of life .
“ We think it exists in
patients who may have persistent
symptoms of UTIs , with
or without a positive culture ,”
said Dr Couchman .
“ But they are symptomatically
very severely bothered .
“ Historically , they have
been diagnosed with all
sorts : bladder pain syndrome
, interstitial cystitis ,
overactive bladder .
“ I do not think we have
the evidence to say this is an
exclusive diagnosis . I do not
know if these things go hand
in hand , exist next to each
other or feed into each other .
“ But we know this sort of
patient presentation exists .”
The UK guidelines did not
address treatment options ,
Dr Couchman said .
She said there could be a
role for long-term antibiotics ,
but without guidelines , it was a
case-by-case decision based on
the patient , response to other
treatments and culture results .
Information around
chronic UTIs was “ very confusing
”, she said .
“ You can see why people
are not quite appropriately
diagnosed , are incompletely
treated or feel that their symptoms
are not being heard .”
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