Australian Doctor 8th March issue | Page 20



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Figure 1 . Cervical cancer incidence by age in 2018 .
Source : AIHW National Cervical Screening Program monitoring report 2022 5
Figure 2 . Cervical cancer incidence , ages 25-74 , 2014-2018 . Source : AIHW National Cervical Screening Program monitoring report 2022 5
This mimics the similar tables
for incidence of cervical cancer and
rates of vaccination across Australia , which are excellent . The rate
This vaccine is also effective against other HPV-associated dis-
Box 1 . The 2017 NCSP screening guidelines for asymptomatic women
reflects the variation across Australia .
THE national HPV vaccination program
was introduced in 2007 . The vaccines , largely developed in Australia , represented a significant medical breakthrough and followed seminal work by Professor Ian Frazer and Dr Jian Zhou at the University of Queensland .
Two vaccines were available under
is slightly higher for girls than boys but there is a relatively equal uptake across socio-economic groupings , a benefit of having a national schoolsbased program . Of note is the lower rate in the Indigenous population . 6
Since the introduction of the vaccine , there have been two significant advances .
The first advance was the development of a nonavalent vaccine that covers more than 90 % of the oncogenic HPV subtypes
eases such as oropharyngeal and anal carcinomas .
SCREENING guidelines for asymptomatic
women appear in box 1 .
A non-screening pathway is also available to meet certain clinical situations . The test of choice in these circumstances is co-testing , where both an HPV test and a cytology test are
• Screening starts at age 25 , with screening at an interval of five years , up until the age of 74 .
• The screening test is for HPV with subtyping for HPV subtypes 16 and / or 18 or a combined group of the other 13 oncogenic variants .
• If the test is positive for HPV , a reflex cytology sample is then prepared and examined , with management determined based on the combined result .
• An HPV screening test is available for women under the age of 25 who have had early onset of sexual activity or unwanted sexual activity . 4
• A follow-up test for HPV is to be performed if the initial test was positive for non16 / 18 with low-grade or negative cytology .
• Colposcopy is recommended if the patient tests positive HPV 16 and / or 18 .
the national program , Cervarix ( biva-
( 6,11,16,18,31,33,45,52,58 ). This was
undertaken at the same time .
lent ) and Gardasil ( quadrivalent ).
introduced into the Australian pro-
Non-screening co-testing is done
is important to follow the guidelines ,
has been the development of a
The bivalent vaccine has been
gram in 2018 .
if the patient ( of any age ) has signs or
otherwise the patient may receive a
National Cancer Screening Register
designed to prevent HPV subtypes
The second advance was the
symptoms suggestive of cervical can-
private bill from the pathology labora-
( NCSR ). 7
16 and 18 whereas the quadrivalent
development of a highly effective sin-
cer or its precursors , such as abnor-
tory . Figure 5 lists the Medicare items
This replaces six previous , sep-
vaccine contained antigens for HPV
gle-dose vaccine .
mal vaginal bleeding , or where there
when ordering a CST .
arate state-based Pap test registers .
16 , 18 , 11 and 6 . HPV types 11 and 6
Starting in February 2023 , the sin-
is an abnormal-looking cervix on
The procedures for self-collection
The new register collects information
are associated with the development
gle-dose vaccine has been delivered
examination .
of HPV DNA ( see later ) became avail-
not just from the NCSP but also from
of genital warts . The initial recom-
to children in their first year of high
Non-screening co-testing is also
able for women for routine cervical
the National Bowel Cancer Screening
mendation was for three doses to be
school . A catch-up program offering
used for the test-of-cure pathway
screening and 12-month follow-up
Program .
administered two months apart over
a federally-funded , free , single-dose
undertaken after histologically proven
sampling in July 2022 .
The information collected from the
a 12-month period .
The vaccination program was first introduced for female high school students but was extended to include males in 2013 .
vaccination for young people aged up to age 25 was introduced at the same time . For people older than 26 and immune-compromised , a three-dose schedule is still needed at zero , two
high-grade disease has been treated .
These specific clinical situations have stringent Medicare restrictions . The restrictions have caused confusion because similar restrictions did
ONE of the cornerstones of the
NCSP includes results of HPV testing , cytology , histology , colposcopy and treatment .
Transferring all the patient information from the original state-based
Figure 4 demonstrates the current
and four months .
not apply in the previous program . It
renewed cervical screening program
registers was complicated