Australian Doctor 6th Dec Issue | Page 31

ausdoc . com . au 6 DECEMBER 2024


Figure 3 . Four brothers with typical physical features of FXS . All four boys have prominent broad foreheads , high palate , joint hypermobility and especially prominent ear pinnae . The family have given consent to publish this picture .
Protic DD et al . Int J Mol Sci 2022 / CC BY 4.0 / bit . ly / 3YzrAHh
Peter Saxon / CC BY-SA 4.0 / bit . ly / 45j5xql
Figure 4 . Long face in fragile x syndrome .
Freund et al , females were found to be more vulnerable to social anxiety and social avoidance and experienced more depression than their IQ- and age-matched peers . 5 The same study also revealed greater deficits in interpersonal and social skills compared with their peers . 5 In females with FXS , it is thought that the atypical development of social skills may lead to a wide range of anxiety symptoms or
Peter Saxon / CC BY-SA 4.0 / bit . ly / 3OMdIGs
Harry Gouvas / CC BY-SA 3.0 / bit . ly / 452304a
disorders . 5
Irritability is a comorbid symptom
that can cause major impairment . 10 In addition to irritability , symptoms
of agitation , aggression and self-injurious
behaviours may occur in up to 50 % of males with FXS . 5 Parents and carers have noted these as the most
difficult behaviours to deal with . 12
ASD occurs in 30-75 % of males
with FXS and up to 20 % of females
with FXS . 1
Marlborough et al in a review of various studies reported that the level of intellectual disability and FMRP
Figure 5 . Prominent ears in fragile X syndrome .
Figure 6 . Flat feet .
levels were associated with ASD in
FXS . 12
Children may also demonstrate
common in females . The average IQ in men with FXS is 40 – 50 , with
global developmental delay . Therefore , consider referral for FXS test-
Box 3 . Differential diagnosis
stereotypic movements such as biting their hands or other objects , hand flapping or rocking , limited eye contact , memory difficulties , shyness , and problems with face encoding . 2 , 5 , 8
Hyperactivity is common , with 90 % of males and about 50 % of females meeting the DSM-5 criteria for ADHD . 1 ADHD is characterised by a persistent pattern of inattention and / or hyperactivity and compulsivity that are more disruptive compared to children of the same age . 8 These symptoms become more noticeable after the age of two years and by the age of six many children are being treated with stimulant medication . 1 Untreated ADHD may impact on academic performance and the ability to benefit from interventions such as speech therapy and occupational therapy .
a mental age of about of 5 – 6 years . Females with FXS are often less affected than males , with about 25 % having cognitive impairment and others frequently being diagnosed with learning disabilities . 12 In females , cognitive functioning can vary from moderate intellectual disability to an above average intelligence . These girls , however , may have issues with impaired spatial reasoning skills , mathematics and issues with executive functioning . As the girls get older , the difficulties become more marked . This is most likely because of a slowing in the ability to develop new skills compared with their typically developing peers . 5
People FXS are often empathetic , have a friendly and sociable nature ,
ing in any child ( male or female ) with gross and fine motor delay , speech and language delay , or cognitive delay of unknown aetiology . The differential diagnoses of FXS appear in box 3 .
FRAGILE X-associated tremor / ataxia
syndrome ( FXTAS ) is a neurodegenerative disorder that occurs in up to 40 % of men and 16 % of women over the age of 60 with the FXS premutation . The condition is characterised by intention tremors , gait ataxia , Parkinson-like signs , cognitive decline and progressive neurodegeneration . 5
Those with FXTAS may also present with neuropathy , short-term memory problems , and autonomic
• ASD without FXS : — These children will not exhibit the physical clinical features and may or may not present with the developmental delay associated with FXS . 1
• ADHD without FXS : — These children will not have the physical , behavioural or cognitive features of FXS .
• Prader-Willi syndrome ( see figure 9 ):
— These children present with features similar to those of FXS , such as developmental delay , hypotonia and feeding difficulties , cognitive impairment , and behavioural issues that include obsessive compulsive behaviour , temper tantrums and stubbornness .
— They experience constant and extreme hunger that often leads to obesity .
— The differentiating features include specific facial features , hypogonadism and short stature .
• Sotos syndrome :
— Although these children also present with long faces , learning disabilities , behaviour issues and seizures similar to those with FXS , they differ in that they often present with congenital cardiac abnormalities , neonatal jaundice , renal abnormalities and scoliosis .
Source : Hunter JE et al 2019 14
Sleep issues include problems fall-
and a good sense of humour . They
dysfunction that causes hyperten-
ing asleep , frequent waking at night ,
often have a very good visual mem-
sion , hypotension , erectile dysfunc-
Anxiety often presents in child-
There is currently no specific
restless sleeping and waking up very
ory , and good long-term and inciden-
tion and incontinence .
hood in premutation carriers . 15 These
treatment for this syndrome , but
early . Between 27-77 % of individu-
tal memory . 13
While the features of FXTAS
conditions require treatment because
medications to treat the tremors and
als with FXS experience some form of sleep difficulty . 1 , 2
Cognitive abilities
Global developmental delay is more
IT is difficult to diagnose FXS clinically
in the first two years of life
usually develop after the age of 60 , other features — such as anxiety , agitation , insomnia , sleep apnoea , migraine , autoimmune disorders , fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism —
they can interfere with optimal brain function , particularly as FXTAS progresses . 15
Tremor and ataxia progress more slowly and psychiatric symptoms
psychiatric symptoms may be helpful . Those with hypertension require treatment , as do those with hypothyroidism , with treatment for the latter particularly beneficial for women
common in males with FXS , while
because symptoms and signs are
may occur before the onset of FXTAS
more rapidly in women with FXTAS
with FXTAS . Tremor may respond
specific learning difficulties are more
often similar to other conditions with
and persist . 15
compared with men . 15
to a beta-blocker or primidone , but