Australian Doctor 6th Dec Issue | Page 12



6 DECEMBER 2024 ausdoc . com . au

Push to rebrand prostate cancer

Grade group 1 prostate cancer .
Paul Smith EARLY-stage prostate cancers could be rebranded ‘ acinar neoplasm ’ in an attempt to reduce anxiety and unnecessary treatment , according to an international group of experts .
Debate has long focused on whether the term ‘ cancer ’ should be used to describe grade group 1 ( GG1 ) prostate cancer given its incidence and indolent nature .
Earlier this year , specialists from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne attended a global summit , held by the American Society of Clinical Oncology Genitourinary Cancers Symposium , to discuss the issue .
“ In autopsy series , histologic GG1 is so highly prevalent it might be considered a normal

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‘ GG1 ... might be considered a normal feature of ageing .’
feature of ageing ,” the authors said in a new paper on the meeting ’ s outcomes .
But they said it had effectively become an inadvertent diagnosis , “ incidental to the goal of identifying the clinically significant disease ”. The paper ’ s authors said
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there was no consensus on alternative names but that ‘ acinar neoplasm ’ had the broadest support , particularly among pathologists .
They stressed that GG1 should not be considered normal and “ absolutely requires ongoing active surveillance ”.
However , there were also concerns raised at the summit by pathologists about the intraprostatic heterogeneity of prostate cancer and the possibility of biopsies missing coexisting higher-grade disease .
“ Others believed this concern relates primarily to limitations in biopsy sampling and / or inter-rater variability in Gleason scoring rather than GG1 ’ s characteristics or clinical behaviour ,” the authors said , adding that the risk of undersampling had decreased in the era of high-quality pre-biopsy imaging and targeted biopsies .
Writing in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute , the authors added : “ The loss of the basal glandular cell layer — characteristic of GG1 as well as higher-grade prostate cancer — has been the sine qua non of a cancer diagnosis , along with the presence of an infiltrative growth pattern .
“ However , recent spatial transcriptomics of prostate sections confirm a continuum of genomic changes , including alterations characteristic of malignancy in histologically normal regions and , in some respects , fewer genomic changes in GG1 than in some benign regions adjacent to higher-grade cancer .”
They said , if a name change sharply reduced rates of overdiagnosis and overtreatment , the benefit-to-harm ratio could “ shift favourably to justify broader use of early baseline screening , with the chance to save many thousands of lives annually ”.
And more
J Natl Cancer Inst 2024 ; 1 Oct .
Environmental sustainability
Bowel cancer screening

GP training revived

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Skin cancer
Staff writer MORE than 1500 doctors will start GP training in 2025 , with no training posts left empty for the first time since 2017 , the RACGP says .
It was just two years ago that the Australian GP Training ( AGPT ) program hit a nadir , with 252 vacant training positions . Outgoing RACGP president Dr Nicole Higgins said extra cash for registrars ’ living costs if they worked in areas of need and the tripling of bulk-billing incentives had made a difference .
She called on the Federal Government to increase AGPT places by 500 over the next five years .