Australian Doctor 19th April issue | Page 49

ausdoc . com . au 19 APRIL 2024


at the spectre of cold bureau-
to the surface but the chan-
which was approved about
Although the name ‘ cystic
Even in the 1930s , when
cratic hearts .
nel not working effectively
seven years ago now , and more
fibrosis ’ was not coined until
scientists were getting a bet-
One exception was The
or consistently — known as
recently what has really set the
the 1930s , where it was used to
ter idea of what was happen-
Guardian .
“ gating mutations ”.
world alight is Trikafta .”
capture the association of exo-
ing , life expectancy was barely
“ Parents have been on a
roller-coaster ride in the last few years ,” it wrote in an
The first-generation CFTR modulators successfully addressed the gating mutations ,
He adds : “ Trikafta has in effect got three different types of CFTR modulators ,
crine pancreatic insufficiency and chronic lung disease , references to the doomed fate of
more than five years . It has risen dramatically since then — partly because of antibiotic
editorial .
but Trikafta managed to
which encompass two of the
young babies who tasted salty
treatment , airway clearance
“ They have been taken to
address the specific deficien-
previous modulators , as well
when kissed — a physical hall-
techniques , and the process
the giddy heights of hope by
cies caused by delta F508 —
as another modulator .”
mark of the disease — go as far
of increasing enzyme doses to
the invention of drugs that for the first time work on the underlying causes of the illness
where the problem lies with misfolding of the protein , preventing it from reaching
proper folding of the protein to get it up to the surface ,” Profes-
Increased longevity ?
Cystic fibrosis remains rel-
back as the Middle Ages . As the European medieval folklore goes : “ Woe to the child
allow for a high-fat diet . The average life span for a person with cystic fibrosis is
where previous treatment just
the cell surface .
sor Selvadurai explains .
atively rare — about one in
who tastes salty from a kiss on
now about 47 years .
alleviated symptoms . “ And they have been plunged to the depths when those
“ What these new generations do is to facilitate the
“ There was a drug called Symdeko [ tezacaftor / ivacaftor ]
2500 babies are born with the condition .
the brow , for he is cursed and soon will die .”
But that median age does not include the impact of the
new drugs have been denied
them because of their cost .”
But it added : “ It would be
easy to paint NICE as the villain
of the piece . But it is doing
the job it was set up to do .
There is a good reason why it
can ’ t green light [ Trikafta ].
The price is astronomical .
“ If the NHS chose to pay
the price for these drugs ,
and had no extra cash , what
would it have to cut ? How
many hip replacements ? How
much cancer care ?”
Billions in sales
Vertex has reported more than
$ 31 billion in sales since it was
approved by the US Food and
Drug Administration in 2019 .
It has always defended
itself saying that novel drug
development is not a cheap ,
risk-free business when outcomes
are not guaranteed .
Vertex told the BBC last
year : “ The price of our medicines
reflects their clinical
value and benefits to
patients , caregivers and
healthcare systems .”
It told AusDoc : “ The protection
that patents provide
enables us to continue
to invest in our extensive
research and development
program into cystic fibrosis …
We invest more than 70 % of
our operating expenses into
research and development ,
which is far higher than the
industry average .”
But what is the wonder of
this drug ? How does it work ?
It starts with the CFTR protein
, one of a group of proteins
that function as cellular transmembrane
channels .
One of its roles is the regulation
of the movement of salt
and water across cells .
In cystic fibrosis , however ,
mutations of the CFTR gene
mean this protein does not
work effectively .
Scientists have now identified
2000 mutations , but the
most common is known as
delta F508 .
Professor Selvadurai says
Trikafta functions as a modulator
and is one of a class of
drugs engineered to fix a number
of problems resulting from
some of these mutations .
For example , one problem
could be insufficient protein
getting to the surface of the
cell , or the protein getting
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