Australian Doctor 19th April issue | Page 44

Clinical Focus

19 APRIL 2024 ausdoc . com . au
Case Report


1 . The incidentaloma menace – why GPs and radiologists need to talk

Page views : 3500 illness ?

A middle-aged scientist reports experiencing myalgia , headaches and chills following a work trip to regional Queensland .
2 . Spot Diagnosis : Could you pick this post-FOOSH injury ?
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3 . How to Treat : Constipation in elderly people
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4 . Is it time to ditch trimethoprim as a first-line therapy ?
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5 . Life-saving diagnosis of a rare but familiar condition
Page views : 1700
Source : AusDoc website ; 28 Feb to 20 April .
Dr Behzad Rafiee GP in Brisbane , Queensland .

NED , a 52-year-old scientist , requests a telehealth consultation . He reports that , for the past few days , he has had generalised myalgia , headaches , chills and has felt feverish .

The symptoms developed after a work visit to a regional area in Central Queensland . He reports that he saw a lot of ticks on his co-workers ’ clothes , but he used insecticide and wore long clothing and did not note any bites or skin eruptions . He has no respiratory , gastrointestinal or urinary symptoms . At-home COVID-19 and influenza RATs are negative .
His past medical history includes anxiety disorder , colonic polyps , lactose intolerance , pansinusitis , sinus surgery and a recent laparoscopic cholecystectomy .
Ned is a non-smoker and an occasional
drinker . His only medication is escitalopram 20mg a day . He enjoys calligraphy , photography , woodcraft and gardening during his spare time .
On the telehealth call , Ned appears tired but comfortable , with no overt evidence of respiratory distress . His temperature , taken at home , is normal .
Given the symptoms , he is referred for blood tests and asked to attend a face-to-face review the next day .
Pathology reveals Ned has neutrophilia — 8.1 x 10 9 / L ( normal : 2-7.5 ) — with normal total WCC and other white cell differentials , haemoglobin
and platelet counts . ESR is elevated at 30mm / hr ( normal : 1-20 ), CRP at 103mg / L ( normal : 0-6 ). Kidney function tests and LFTs are normal . Ross River virus immunoglobulin G ( IgG ) and immunoglobulin M ( IgM ) and dengue virus antigen serotypes ( 1-4 ) IgG and IgM are negative .
Further assessment
When Ned attends the practice the next day ,
he reports he is still quite symptomatic and now also has photophobia . He appears unwell , looking pale and washed out . His temperature is 36.6 ° C , blood pressure is 119 / 70mmHg ,
pulse rate is 87bpm and respiratory rate is 16 breaths per minute , with an oxygen saturation of 98 % on room air .
There is no rash , evidence of tick bite , neck stiffness , lymphadenopathy or arthritis . His ENT and cardiovascular examinations are within normal limits . On chest auscultation , there are crepitations in both lung bases — more marked on the left .


Medicine co-pack containing one pack of Estrogel ® ( estradiol hemihydrate ) plus one pack of Prometrium ® ( micronised progesterone ) for women with a uterus
PBS Information : These products are not available on the PBS .
Please review Product Information before prescribing , accessible at besins-healthcare . com . au / PI or 1800 BESINS ( 237 467 ), or by scanning the QR code :
Minimum Product Information Estrogel ( estradiol hemihydrate ) gel . Indications : Hormone replacement therapy ( HRT ) for estrogen deficiency symptoms in postmenopausal women . Prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women at high risk of future fractures who are intolerant of , or contraindicated for , other medicinal products approved for the prevention of osteoporosis . The lowest effective dose should be used for the shortest duration . Contraindications : Known , past or suspected breast cancer ; Known or suspected estrogen-dependent malignant tumours ( e . g . endometrial cancer ); Undiagnosed genital bleeding ; Untreated endometrial hyperplasia ; Previous or current venous thromboembolism ( e . g . deep venous thrombosis , pulmonary embolism ); Known thrombophilic disorders ( e . g . protein C , protein S , or antithrombin deficiency ); Active or recent arterial thromboembolic disease ( e . g . angina , myocardial infarction ); Acute liver disease , or a history of liver disease as long as liver function tests have failed to return to normal ; Known or suspected pregnancy ; Lactation ; Known hypersensitivity to the active substances or to any of the excipients ; Porphyria . Precautions : Appraisal of the risks and benefits should be undertaken at least annually . Refer to full Product information ( PI ) for conditions which require supervision during treatment with Estrogel . Treatment should be withdrawn if the following occur , jaundice or deterioration in liver function ; significant increase in blood pressure ; new onset of migraine type headache ; pregnancy . Caution : endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma , breast cancer , ovarian cancer , venous thromboembolism , coronary artery disease ( CAD ), ischaemic stroke , thyroid function , elderly , ALT elevations , paediatric use ( see full PI ). Interactions : use of concomitant skin medications , surface active agents or strong skin cleansers and detergents should be avoided at site of application , metabolism of estrogens may be increased by concomitant use of inducers of hepatic enzymes such as anticonvulsants ( phenobarbital , phenytoin , carbamezapine ) and anti-infectives ( rifampicin , rifabutin , nevirapine , efavirenz , ritonavir and nelfinavir ) and some herbal preparations ( St John ’ s wort ) reducing the effectiveness of estrogen . Estrogel as a transdermal administration might be less affected than other oral hormones by enzyme inducers . Concomitant use of estrogens with lamotrigine may decrease lamotrigine plasma concentrations . Caution is warranted for co-administration with hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) combination regimens ombitasvir / paritaprevir / ritonavir with or without dasabuvir and the regimen glecaprevir / pibrentasvir may cause greater than usual ALT elevations . Pregnancy Category B3 ; not for use in lactation . Adverse Effects : headache , nausea , abdominal pain , breast swelling / pain , breast enlargement , dysmenorrhea , menorrhagia , metrorraghia , leucorrhoea , endometrial hyperplasia , weight gain ( increase or decrease ), water retention with peripheral edema ( see full PI ). Dosage and Administration : Estrogel should be used daily on a continuous basis . Estrogel as an estrogen only product is indicated only for women without a uterus . In women with an intact uterus it is recommended to add a progestogen for at least 12 days of each month . Although some women will respond to 1.25 g daily ( 1 pump ), the usual starting dose is 2.5 g per day ( 2 pumps ). If after one month of treatment , effective relief of menopausal symptoms is not obtained the dosage may be increased to a maximum of 5 g ( 4 pumps ) ( see full PI ). The lowest effective dose should be used for maintenance therapy . The optimal daily maintenance dose needs to be reevaluated regularly ( e . g . annually ). Estrogel should only be continued for as long as the benefit outweighs the risk . The correct dose of gel should be dispensed and applied to clean , dry , intact areas of skin e . g . on the arms and shoulders , and / or inner thighs . The area of application should be as large as possible . Refer to Full Product Information before prescribing .
Minimum Product Information Prometrium ( oral , micronised progesterone ) Indications : menstrual irregularities ; adjunctive use with an estrogen in postmenopausal women with an intact uterus . Contraindications : known allergy / hypersensitivity to progesterone or excipients ; severe hepatic dysfunction ; undiagnosed vaginal bleeding ; known missed abortion / ectopic pregnancy ; mammary / genital tract carcinoma ; thromboembolic disorders ; thrombophlebitis ; cerebral haemorrhage ; porphyria . Clinically Significant Precautions : not a treatment for premature labour ; not a contraceptive ; discontinue if unexplained visual loss / changes , proptosis , diplopia , papilloedema , retina vascular lesions or migraine ; use caution in conditions affected by fluid retention and history of depression , diabetes , hepatic dysfunction , migraine , photosensitivity and during lactation ; increased risk of breast cancer and venous thromboembolism with estrogen concomitant therapy ( refer estrogen PI ); may cause drowsiness ; may affect laboratory test results . Clinically Significant Interactions : caution with P450 enzyme inducers and inhibitors ; may increase antidiabetic medication ; bioavailability may be reduced by smoking and increased by alcohol abuse . Very Common and Common Adverse Effects : menstrual disturbances ; headache . d1 – d25 . Secondary amenorrhoea : 400mg / d for 10d . Ovulation disorders / anovulation : 200 – 300mg for 10d ( d17 – d26 , inclusive ).
Estrogel ® and Prometrium ® are registered trademarks of Besins Healthcare . Besins Healthcare Australia Pty Ltd ABN 68 164 882 062 . Suite 5.02 , 12 Help Street , Chatswood NSW 2067 . Office phone ( 02 ) 9904 7473 . For medical information call 1800 BESINS ( 237 467 ). www . besins-healthcare . com . au EPR-EST-PRM-1969 January 2024