Australian Doctor 19th April issue | Page 22



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CC BY / Clin Sci ( Lond ) 2019 Dec 20 ; 133 ( 24 ): 2481-2498 / bit . ly / 3Tbk8S0
Vascular smooth muscle cells
Endothelial cell
Proliferation of fibroblasts and infiltration of immune cells in adventitial layer
Pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration in media
Double elastic lamina develops due to increased muscularisation
Pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell infiltration into intimal layer
Elastic lamina
Proliferation of apoptosis-resistant endothelial cells and plexiform lesion formation
Figure 2 . Pulmonary vascular remodelling in pulmonary arterial hypertension ( PAH ). The diagram shows a small pulmonary artery in cross-section . Vascular cells in all three layers of the vessel , the intima , media and adventitia , contribute to vessel remodelling in PAH . The result of the pulmonary vascular remodelling is narrowing or complete obstruction of the vessel lumen , further raising blood pressure in the generally low-pressure pulmonary circulation and increasing the load on the right ventricle .
Normal distal pulmonary artery
Remodelled distal pulmonary artery in PAH
Narrowing / occlusion of vessel lumen
Table 1 . New York Heart Association classification
Class I
No symptoms and no limitation in ordinary physical activity Ordinary physical activity does not cause undue breathlessness , fatigue or palpitations
Mild symptoms ( mild shortness of breath and / or angina ) and slight limitation during ordinary activity Comfortable at rest but ordinary physical activity causes undue breathlessness , fatigue or palpitations
Figure 3 . Plexiform lesion in a patient with pulmonary arterial hypertension . Complex vascular lesion with perivascular fibrosis and infiltration by lymphocytes , plasma cells ( arrowhead ) and eosinophils (*) ( haematoxylin and eosin staining ).
Groth A et al . Respir Res 2014 / CC BY 2.0 / bit . ly / 49sCK4I
Marked limitation in activity due to symptoms , even during less-than-ordinary activity , eg , walking short distances ( 20-100m ) Comfortable only at rest
Severe limitations Experiences symptoms even while at rest Mostly bedbound patients
Source : Adapted from Congestive Heart Failure in StatPearls 37
Box 6 . Echocardiography findings that should trigger further investigation
• Estimated right ventricular systolic pressure greater than 40mmHg or
• Peak tricuspid regurgitation velocity ( TRV ) greater than 2.8m / sec — TRV greater than 3.4m / sec — high probability of pulmonary hypertension ( PH ). — TRV 2.9 to 3.4m / sec — intermediate probability of PH . — TRV less than 2.8 — low probability of PH .
If a GP identifies a case
of suspected PH and the TTE results are consistent with intermediate or
or greater ( measured on arterial blood gas analysis ) and NT-proBNP of less than 333pg / mL excluded PH with a
ILD respectively . The diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide ( DLCO ) is a particularly useful test because it car-
a sensitivity of only 76 % for diagnosing CTEPH . 3 If a patient presents with symptoms and signs highly sugges-
Right heart catheterisation
RHC is the gold standard test for diagnosing
and classifying PH . The pro-
high probability , referral to the nearest
negative predictive value of 96 %. 21
ries prognostic value for patients with
tive of an acute pulmonary embolism ,
cedure , which requires significant
PH specialist centre is indicated .
Twelve-lead ECG
The ECG is often normal in early disease
. Right axis deviation has a positive predictive value of 93 % in adults with suspected PH . 21 Other ECG findings include RV hypertrophy , RV strain
Chest X-ray
Like ECGs , a normal chest X-ray does
not exclude PH . The chest X-ray may provide clues about the aetiology . Cardiomegaly , pulmonary oedema and / or pleural effusions may suggest Group 2 PH , while radiographic changes in
idiopathic PAH , SSc-related PAH , heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension ( CTEPH ). 23 , 24 While a low DLCO may be useful in prognostication , the DLCO may also be normal or only mildly reduced in patients with PAH . 3
CTPA ( see figure 7 ) is still the investigation of choice , even in a patient with an established diagnosis of CTEPH . 3
Non-contrast CT chest imaging
Non-contrast high resolution CT
chest scans are the best modality for
expertise and meticulous preparation , is usually only offered at specialist PH centres . Patients should be optimised to achieve euvolaemia and well controlled blood pressure beforehand . Local anaesthetic and minimal sedation with an anxiolytic are all that is usually required . Puncture sites
pattern and right bundle branch block
keeping emphysema or interstitial
identifying ILD and other parenchy-
include the internal jugular , femoral or
( see figure 5 ). 22
lung disease ( ILD ) may suggest the
mal abnormalities , which , if pres-
basilic veins . Contrast is not required
Blood tests
The blood tests in box 7 are recommended
in all patients . 3
diagnosis is Group 3 PH . 3
Pulmonary function tests
Pulmonary function tests are usually
It is recommended to perform a ventilation / perfusion ( V / Q ) scan ( see figure 6 ) in all patients with newly diagnosed PH because this is the imaging modal-
ent , may point towards Group 3 PH . Non-contrast images still allow for the assessment of the pulmonary artery , aorta and heart chambers . An
so renal impairment is not a contraindication for RHC .
The most feared complication of RHC is pulmonary artery perforation .
Combining tests improves clin-
normal in PAH ( Group 1 PH ). Patients
ity of choice to exclude CTEPH . In
enlarged pulmonary artery diameter
However , at experienced PH centres ,
ical utility . For example , the pres-
with Group 3 PH are more likely to
the absence of parenchymal lung dis-
( greater than 30mm ), a pulmonary
the procedure-related mortality is less
ence of NYHA class I or II dyspnoea ,
have abnormal pulmonary function
ease , a negative V / Q scan has a nega-
artery : aorta ratio of greater than 0.9
than 0.1 % and serious adverse events
the absence of right axis deviation on
tests , such as obstructive and restric-
tive predictive value of 98 %, while a
and enlarged right heart chambers
are low at approximately 1 %. 3
ECG , arterial oxygen saturation 95.5 %
tive ventilatory defects in COPD and
CT pulmonary angiogram ( CTPA ) has
are suggestive of PH .
There are multiple variables that