Australian Doctor 16th June 2023 16JUNE2023 issue | Page 5

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The SafeScript system was not being used as required by prescribing doctors .
— Victorian Coroner Audrey Jamieson
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time ”, although the SafeScript data showed that two red alerts had been sent out .
In another case , the GP wrongly thought they were not legally obligated to check the system when a red alert appeared .
Only one GP admitted they should have checked SafeScript but did not , telling the coroner : “ I cannot offer a reason for failing to check SafeScript other than I was falsely reassured that Bradley was following my instructions to only attend one clinic for these medications .”
Additionally , several of the GPs did not have permits to prescribe potent opioids , the coroner heard .
In her findings , the coroner said there was a “ causal nexus ” between Bradley ’ s death and the conduct of the GPs , who should have known he was accessing opioids in excess of his need , considering the availability of SafeScript .
“ I believe these failures were missed opportunities for doctors to understand the extent of Bradley ’ s pharmaceutical opioid use and intervene to help him ,” she said .
“ The doctors , as a group , instead continued to feed his dependence with ultimately fatal results .”
But she also criticised the state Department of Health for failing to contact the GPs .
A department official said it was impossible to continually interact with all Victorian prescribers .
But Ms Jamieson said the department was “ obligated ” to monitor prescribing and “ hold errant medical practitioners to account for their non-compliance ” under Victoria ’ s Drugs , Poisons and Controlled Substances Act .

ChatGPT ban for hospital docs

Carmel Sparke HOSPITAL doctors have been told to stop using ChatGPT to write up medical notes , as the AMA warns guidelines are urgently needed on artificial intelligence and medicine .
“ It has recently come to our attention that some staff have started using [ AI ] bot technology , such as ChatGPT , to write medical notes which are then being uploaded to patient record systems ,” said the directive from the South Metropolitan Health Service in Perth .
“ Crucially , at this stage , there is no assurance of patient confidentiality when using AI bot technology , such as ChatGPT , nor do we fully understand the security risks .
“ For this reason , the use of AI technology , including ChatGPT , for workrelated activity that includes any patient or potentially sensitive health service information must cease immediately .”
AMA WA president Dr Mark Duncan-Smith said that since the directive had been issued across the five hospitals , it had emerged that just one doctor had used AI to upload medical notes and that there was no breach of privacy . “ My understanding of the situation is that the doctor … uploaded no actual patient details . It was just general patient information , not specific
information about the patient ,” Dr Duncan-Smith said .
“ I suspect in this situation it was more of a medical geek , just giving it a trial .”
But he said the issue had shown the need for proper protocols and guidelines to be set up .
“ It needs to be done semi-urgently , because [ AI ] is a technology that is going to advance very quickly . Its applications are going to become more and more expansive .
“ Along with ensuring privacy , assurances were also needed that a doctor or health professional would oversee and interpret AI information .
“ And as the AI develops even more , the applications are going to get more and more widespread ,” Dr Duncan-Smith added .
“ For example , that could be in generating discharge summaries . A lot of the manual work can potentially be done by AI .”
PBS Information : Authority required ( STREAMLINED ). Asthma . This product is not PBS listed for Maintenance and Reliever Therapy . Criteria Apply . Refer to PBS for full authority information .
Please review Product Information before prescribing . Product Information can be accessed by calling Chiesi Australia Medical Information on 1800 943 587 or scanning the QR code .
References : 1 . Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme ( PBS ). Available at : www . pbs . gov . au . 2 . Approved Fostair Product Information . 3 . Paggiaro P et al . BMC Pulmonary Med 2016 ; 16:180 . Chiesi Australia Pty Ltd , Hawthorn East , VIC . 3123 . Tel : + 61 3 9077 4486 ; Email : medicalaffairs . au @ chiesi . com ; Website : www . chiesi . com . au . Copyright © Chiesi 2023 . All rights reserved . Date of preparation : Jan 2023 . AU-FOS-2200025 . CHIE00042j .
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