Australian Doctor 16th June 2023 16JUNE2023 issue | Page 35

Attend a GP meeting to learn how Repatha can reduce CV events , post-MI . 2 †


FROM 1 DEC 2022 GP INITIATION in consultation with a specialist physician 1

In secondary CVD prevention

( evolocumab )




When Repatha is added to optimised statin dose +/ - ezetimibe in established ASCVD patients : 15 % RRR for the primary endpoint ( composite of CV death , MI , stroke , hospitalisation for UA , or coronary revascularisation ) vs placebo ( HR : 0.85 ; 95 % CI : 0.79-0.92 ; p < 0.001 ). ARR : 2 % at 36 months . 2
Attend a GP meeting to learn how Repatha can reduce CV events , post-MI . 2 †
For details , contact your Amgen representative via the QR code .
Refer to full Product Information before prescribing ; available from Amgen Australia Pty Ltd , Ph : 1800 803 638 or at www . amgen . com . au / Repatha . PI . For more information on Repatha or to report an adverse event or product complaint involving Repatha , please contact Amgen Medical Information on 1800 803 638 or visit www . amgenmedinfo . com . au . PBS Information : Authority Required . Non-familial and familial hypercholesterolaemia . Criteria apply for certain patient populations . Refer to PBS Schedule for full Authority Required Information .
Abbreviations : ARR = absolute risk reduction ; ASCVD = atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ; CI = confidence interval ; CV = cardiovascular ; CVD = cardiovascular disease ; HR = hazard ratio ; MI = myocardial infarction ; PBS = Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme ; RRR = relative risk reduction ; UA = unstable angina . References : 1 . Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme . Available at : www . pbs . gov . au . 2 . Sabatine MS et al . N Engl J Med 2017 ; 376:1713-1722 . Amgen Australia Pty Ltd , ABN 31 051 057 428 , Sydney NSW 2000 . © 2022 Amgen Inc . All rights reserved . AU-18036 RGP0033 . Date of preparation : December 2022
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