Australian Doctor 12th July Issue 2024 | Page 5

ausdoc . com . au 12 JULY 2024


‘ My career was over in a second ’: Parkinson ’ s diagnosis at 29

Dr Stacy Patterson says she did not fit the typical demographic she was taught in medical school .
Rachel Fieldhouse

DR Stacy Patterson first noticed a tremor in her left hand in 2018 .

At the time , she
was training as an O & G registrar
in Brisbane .
“ It was intermittent , but I
remember my consultant noticing
it one day , and we both just
put it down to too much caffeine
and not enough food , as usual .
“ But then I began to find
I could not tie surgical knots
with my left hand , and I was
losing dexterity .
“ I also started getting a bit
of a limp in my left leg , and
that was noticed by all my
colleagues .
“ I found it difficult to put
my foot in my Crocs to work in theatre .”
It was her flatmate , also a doc-
Dr Stacy Patterson .
tor , who convinced Dr Patterson
to see a GP .
the first year — I still cannot drink
“ Then all of a sudden , I real-
her tremors , the implant allowed
made her experiences more
“ I was eventually referred
coffee because of it .”
ised , ‘ Oh no , I ’ m getting bolted
her to reduce her medication
difficult — and was a result of
to neurologists , but it came to
One of the big questions she
to the table right now .’”
and , as a side effect , helped her
knowing too much .
a standstill after I had a normal
faced was whether she could
The surgery involved plac-
to sleep better .
“ You know what the out-
MRI , normal blood tests , normal
keep practising as a doctor . She
ing a stereotactic head frame
“ For a little while , I did not
comes are ; you know the worst
results for everything .
discussed it with AHPRA , and
around her head , then locking
have much in terms of dyski-
possibilities .
“ So I was diagnosed with
they gave her the green light to
“ And I honestly did not
essential tremor and started
continue as long as she did not
think Parkinson ’ s was ever a
propranolol , which worked for a while until I started getting lower-limb symptoms and went back to the neurologist .”
It took almost a year since seeing her GP , but she received
go for a surgical career .
So she worked as a locum , then in clinical trials , before moving into forensic medicine , providing sexual assault examinations and medicolegal reports .
‘ The neurologist ordered me to take two weeks off and figure out what I wanted to do with my life .’
possibility for me because I did not fit the demographic that we were taught about .”
Now 35 , Dr Patterson says she lives a relatively normal life .
She married her partner ,
the diagnosis : early-onset Par-
During the interview with
Jeremy , last year and works
kinson ’ s disease .
Australian Doctor , Dr Patter-
the frame to the table to stop
nesia — that type of moving all
full-time for Forensic Medicine
She was 29 years old .
son describes going through
her from moving , before plac-
over the place . However , it is
Queensland .
“ My career was over in a sec-
deep brain stimulation ( DBS )
ing electrodes into her brain on
coming back .”
“ Even though I am no longer
ond ,” she says .
and receiving a neural implant
each side .
So , has her training as a
practising in a physical way , it
“ I was told of the diagnosis right at the end-of-year transition .
to help control her motor symptoms .
The electrodes were then connected to a neurostimula-
doctor helped her ? “ Neurology is not my area of
keeps me up to date ,” she says . “ We do a lot of death-in-care
“ I was supposed to go to a
She says she was awake dur-
tor implanted under her clavi-
expertise at all , so I kind of just
investigations , so I look through
new job , but the neurologist
ing the surgery so she could
cle , with wires travelling down
let my neurologist deal with it ,”
a lot of hospital notes .
ordered me to take two weeks
move her hands to show the
the side of her skull and into
Dr Patterson says .
“ I do not take bloods from
off and figure out what I wanted
electrodes were stimulating the
her neck .
“ But he will let me adjust
patients anymore if I can help
to do with my life instead .”
correct neurons .
While it might sound scary ,
my meds and play with my DBS
it because of the tremors , but
In terms of treatment , she
“ It was my first time in the
she says “ everybody was lovely ”.
settings a little bit more than
as long as my neurologist is
was started on levodopa .
theatre for two years , and I
“ We are a profession that
the average patient .”
okay with me doing things , and
“ I had quite a bit of nausea and
remember being rolled in think-
takes care of our own .”
But she says her medical
so is AHPRA , then life is pretty
vomiting . It was very difficult for
ing , ‘ I ’ m coming home .’
It worked . As well as reducing
training has , in some ways ,
normal for me .”

Maternal RSV vax gets green light for NIP listing

Rachel Fieldhouse PREGNANT women could soon have subsidised access to the bivalent respiratory syncytial virus vaccine Abrysvo just two months after it was approved by the TGA .
The PBAC has recommended listing the vaccine on the National Immunisation Program ( NIP ) to prevent lower respiratory tract
illness in infants from birth until six months of age via maternal immunisation .
The recombinant respiratory syncytial virus ( RSV ) pre-fusion F protein vaccine is indicated for active immunisation of pregnant women at 24-36 weeks ’ gestation and adults aged 60 and over .
The PBAC said the vaccine was
superior to placebo for preventing lower respiratory tract infections among infants and that it had an acceptable safety profile .
Pfizer said the vaccine would be available on a private script from 1 July at a cost of $ 320 regardless of the NIP outcome . Results from the Maternal Immunisation Study for Safety
and Efficacy , which included 7400 pregnant women , showed a vaccine efficacy of 82 % against severe medically attended lower respiratory tract infections due to RSV in the first 90 days of life .
Writing in The New England Journal of Medicine in April 2023 , researchers also reported “ substantial efficacy ” of 69 %
for this outcome through to six months .
Next month , the PBAC will consider a NIP listing for GSK ’ s protein-based RSV vaccine Arexvy for over-60s , as well as a PBS listing for Sanofi-Aventis ’ long-acting monoclonal antibody nirsevimab ( Beyfortus ) to protect infants from RSV .