Australia Samoa Newspaper May 2016 | Página 7

Australia Samoa Newspaper


02 May 2016


Gestational Diabetes ( Development of sugar Diabetes – during pregnancy )

Dr Olataga Alofivae Doorbiinia

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about Gestational Diabetes . This is a very serious health problem affecting our Samoan women of child bearing ages . What are some of the risk factors

Risk factors 1 . Overweight Body mass index ( BMI ) greater than 30 2 . Maternal age over the age of 25 years 3 . Certain ethnic groups - Asian , Pacific women , Maori women 4 . Western diet - High carbohydrate , High fat and sugar intake predisposes becoming overweight before they become pregnant . 5 . Previous gestational diabetes 6 . Hypertension 7 . Poor previous baby deliveries
Screening during pregnancy . 1 . If a Samoan pregnant lady has any of these problems – she should be screened very early in the pregnancy for gestational diabetes . 2 . The test is a special sugar drink - 75 gm sugar intake and blood sugar is measured 3 . If the mother is diagnosed - we will be referred to the Diabetic team in the local hospital and it becomes a priority to look at the antenatal clinic . She is then assessed how to manage , she would go on
a special diet , and may need medications such as insulin to keep her sugar levels under control and stop the baby from getting too big .
4 . All pregnant women are screened at 20- 28 weeks , but our Samoan pregnant ladies should be screened earlier . It is very important to screen to prevent bad comes for Mum and the baby .
Complications to the Samoan Pregnant woman 1 . Can develop early labour 2 . Increased complications in the labour - dangerous vaginal delivery 3 . Post delivery - large bleed 4 . Instrumental delivery - forceps or vacuum
5 . Vaginal delivery – end up an emergency caesarean section - Unwanted effects to the Baby 1 . Large , but floppy baby – over 4 kg - refer
to the baby picture 2 . Birth defects 3 . Shoulder damage to the baby - shoulder dystocia – as it gets blocked in the birth canal 4 . Birth trauma due to hypoxia – baby got stuck as too big for the birth canal- can brain damage to the newborn baby
Message to young Mums and all pregnant ladies . 1 . Be screened for Diabetes before pregnancy , during and 6 weeks after delivery 2 . Be careful with the weight gain , if concerned talk to the GP and the hospital doctors 3 . See your doctor before you want to get pregnant to plan your pregnancy 4 . Book early to the Hospital 5 . Nutrition – is very important to plan , look at foods that will give you and baby energy and provide good vitamins . 6 . Good planning and then follow up with the local GP or Hospital will ensure a healthy out come .
If you would like to ask or find out more , please contact the cheif editor of Australia Samoa , Iniini Samoa or contact , Powell St Family Practice – we are on the Face book and we would be delighted to make an appointment with you or your family to help to plan a good pregnancy or a healthy outcome and prevent or screen for gestational Diabetes
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