Australia/NZ Supplement March/April 2022 | Page 6


Australia ’ s most liveable city

CMW explores Adelaide ’ s green path to recovery
delaide has always enjoyed a reputation as a safe , clean , green destination ,” comments Simon Burgess , general manager , Adelaide Convention Centre ( ACC ). “ Indeed , it is these very qualities that contributed to Adelaide being judged Australia ’ s most liveable city – and the third most liveable city in the world in The Economist Intelligence Unit ’ s Global Liveability Index 2021 .”
During the pandemic , in Adelaide , events have postponed rather than cancelled , and the destination now reports strong pent-up demand for live events . There are two years of layered business on the city ’ s events calendar comprising both rescheduled and new events .
Certainly , the downtime has been used to make some serious investment at the ACC in event technologies , including the launch of a new Technology Production Suite and a virtual site inspection tool for planners . The 38th International Symposium on Combustion was quickly adapted to an online event last year because of travel restrictions and attracted 1,360 online delegates from 50 countries . The programme comprised 11 concurrent web streams with 742 papers delivered .
The ACC is reporting a full events calendar for the second half of this year and good traction in Europe and the United States with a focus on 2024 and beyond .
And a sign international confidence is returning within the Asia Pacific region is the confirmation of two major international events from that region for 2023 , one focused on education and the other on health .
Honest Goodness menu available at ACC Safe , clean and green
Throughout 2021 Adelaide ’ s approach to securing domestic business events of significance was to align with South Australia ’ s key economic growth sectors .
“ Our shift is now to reconnect with our international clients and build upon this domestic success ,” says communications manager at ACC Amy Christie .
“ We are a city of innovation , fuelled by close relationships between the government , industry and academia ,” she adds . This reputation and the ACC ’ s direct connectivity to the A $ 3.6bn BioMed City and Lot Fourteen innovation districts means the venue can work closely with stakeholders from each of these precincts to showcase what they are doing for the world through the business events platform , including in such key sectors as space , hi-tech , creative industries , energy and mining , health and medical , defence , agriculture , international education and tourism .
South Australia is enjoying a growing global reputation for its expertise in machine learning , artificial intelligence , cyber security , big data and data analysis . Lot Fourteen is home to the Australian Institute of
Machine Learning ; the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre ( A3C ) and MIT Big Data Living Lab .
Lot Fourteen is also home to the SmartSat CRC , Australia ’ s biggest investment in space R & D , a Mission Control Centre and Australian Space Discovery Centre .
South Australia has a burgeoning global reputation as a medical conference capital and BioMed City – adjacent to the ACC – is home to the South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute ( SAHMRI ) and the Royal Adelaide Hospital .
The landmark A $ 500m + Australian Bragg Centre ( opening 2023 ) houses Australia ’ s first proton therapy centre , while the Tonsley Innovation District provides a hub for advanced manufacturing businesses and services . The University of Adelaide ’ s Waite campus is home to the largest concentration of agriculture and wine research and teaching expertise in the Southern Hemisphere .
Events on the books for the rest of 2022 and beyond that directly align to the region ’ s key economic and growth state sectors , include :
Population Health Conference , 20-23 September , 2022 ( 1,000 delegates ); International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage 24th Congress & 72nd International Executive Council Meeting and the Irrigation Australia Conference & Exhibition 2022 , 2 – 10 October , 2022 ( 800 delegates ); Leading Age Services Australia ( LASA ) National Congress 2022 , 12 – 14 October , 2022 ( 1,200 delegates ) and RANZCR ASM 2022 ( Royal Australian College of Radiologists ), 27 – 31 October , 2022 ( 800 delegates ).