Australia 1 | Page 3

Learn to speak Australian with these 10 key phrases

1. Aussie

Another name for the country, its people, and anything else Australian.

2. Barbie

A favourite Australian pasttime is the barbeque or ‘cook off', getting friends together during the warmer months (not to be confused with Ken's girlfriend).

3. Thongs

Famous Aussie beach footwear, not to be confused with the undergarment.

4. G’day mate

The Aussie greeting – shortened from ‘good day’.

5. Boomerang

A flat, curved, and usually wooden object which - when thrown correctly - returns to the thrower.

6. By jingoes

An exclamation of surprise.

7. Out in the sticks

Out in the bush, away from civilisation, in remote areas.

8. Plonk

Cheap wine (usually cask). Ask us about Goon, baby!

9. Sheila

A common term for an Australian female, usually single and probably good looking. Thought to have originated from the high number of female immigrants from Ireland called Sheelagh.

10. Dunny

Also known as the toilet.