AUS Spring 2014 Undergraduate Research - Symposium Booklet Apr. 2014 | Page 3

ALBANY STATE UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM SPONSOR Center for Undergraduate Research The mission of the Center for Undergraduate Research at Albany State University is to promote a wide variety of undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activities that support and enhance student learning, engage students and faculty mentors in the complete research process, and institutionalize undergraduate research as a vital component of the educational experience at Albany State University. Albany State University Title III Program The ASU Title III Program aims to strengthen the infrastructure of the University and to enhance the delivery of academic programs while developing students from freshmen to senior year. The implementation of these activities will increase enrollments, progression, retention, and graduation rates at Albany State University. Office of Research and Sponsored Programs The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) encourages, facilitates and supports Albany States University faculty and staff in their pursuit of external funding for their research, training, and other scholarly activities. ORSP provides high-quality services to the ASU community with the goal of increasing external sponsored funding for research and other programs while also protecting the University's interest assuring compliance with federal and state laws, rules and regulation.