Aurora Times Vol. 1, Is. 6 | Page 6

Our town


Aurora Public Library getting new home

The new Main Library will feature state-of-the-art materials handling technology, expanded space for programs for children and teens, a dedicated space for experimentation with new technology, and areas for the public to gather. As a LEED-certified building, it has been designed to reduce waste, conserve energy and water and lower operating costs.

By Martin Flowers

On a bright sunny afternoon in May, the City of Aurora and the Aurora Public Library came together to break ground on a new Downtown Branch. The new library will be located at 1 East River on the property of the former Beacon News building. The groundbreaking ceremony brought out residents from all over the city and was welcomed with a program from the preschool program at SciTech.

Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner spoke about the importance of history and the future and “This is what we are seeing here today. It’s historical because the old library was built in 1903 using a Carnegie Foundation grant. The old Library has served our city for over 100 years and we are proud of the service that is has provided for our residents.”

“We would like to thank leaders from local, state, and national and Governor Pat Quinn and Secretary of State Jesse White for helping to secure grants that will help pay for the cost of our new Building.” Weisner said, speaking about his fond memories of spending time at the Library and reading the printed word. “However, in our new downtown library there will be a need for the Digital Age and the future of the written word. The new library will be technically advanced to help prepare the future of Aurora in our new world.”

Congressman Bill Foster was on hand and thanked the audience for coming out to support this wonderful occasion. He spoke about how important the library was to him as a young man growing up here in the Fox Valley.

The program concluded with remarks by Eva Luckinbill, the Public Library director, who spoke about her 30-plus years and all the fond memories she has of watching this District grow and especially about all the wonderful things she is thankful to be part of in her years with the Library.

The Aurora Public Library System has serves almost 200,000 residents city-wide and has four branches, including a traveling Book Mobile that was on hand to usher in the New Downtown main branch. For more information on the Aurora Public Library please visit

Top: Children from the Sci-Tech Pre-School & Kindergarten and the Aurora Child Development Center Pre-School Program joined the library “groundbreaking." Bottom Left to right: Alderman Whitey Peters, Library Board President John Savage, Congressman Bill Foster, Library Director Eva Luckinbill, Library Board member Dick Hawks, Mayor Tom Weisner, Library Board member Stewart Beach and Alderman Mike Saville.

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