Olive Ipsioco
Edgar Santos International
Natural Skin Care Specialist (UK)
Celebrity Make-Up Artist (USA)
Edgar Santos ?To make people feel comfortable
in their skin? is the positive message behind his
ethos and from this vision he has managed to build
an illustrious career working as an internationally
recognised make-up artist. He has worked on
prime time television and cable network shows.
Edgar boasts an incredibly impressive array of
clientele including top class fashion designers and
A-list celebrities. Highly influential individuals in
the entertainment, sports and political industries
are very vocal of Edgar?s supreme gifts, describing
him as ?a multi-talented make-up artist.? Making
an impactful trail all across the globe, his footsteps
have paved the way to forming successful
international alliances, with very important
clientele constantly in demand for his artistic
Olive I psioco is a Natural Skin Care Specialist
based in London. She earned her NVQ Diploma in
Facial skin care at the Harrow Beauty Academy and
Diplomas in Natural Skin Care and Herbalism at
the School of Natural Health Sciences in London.
Her other skin care qualifications include Electrical
Facials from The Beauty Academy and Oriental
Face Massage at The Natural Therapy Studio.
She also holds a Diploma in Applied Psychology
from the Birkbeck University of London and a BSc
from Assumption College in Makati City,
Olive is a registered Therapist in West London, UK
and also does contract work as a Health Advisor for
the National Health Service (NHS) in East London
Rachel Grant
Actress/ Adventurer/ Writer (USA)
Rachel Grant is a former Bond girl
Actress, writer and adventurer. Rachel
shares her globe trotting experiences
Aldrich Infantado
having trekked the edge of the deadly
Buff/ Blogger (Philippines)
Mayon volcano; communed with the
Hourani tribe in Ecuador; witnessed
Aldrich I nfantado is a travel Junkie,
lions mating in Kenya?s Maasai Mara
fitness buff and a writing aficionado who
National Reserve; sojourned in secluded groves in the Amazon
takes pride in sharing amazing travel tips
rainforest and swam with hammerhead sharks in the Galapagos. She
to his fellow travellers. He has been a
scuba-dived through warships in the South China Sea; experienced
contributor for AURA Elite
Japanese ?naked communion? in the volcanic hot springs of Mount
Magazine since its launch in 2015 never
Fuji; journeyed deep underground to visit ancient Mayan sacrificial
failing to make our readers envious of his
caves in Guatemala and flamenco-dance