August Spotlight | Page 34

18 - August - 2022 www . wsca . org From the Committees
Hey Everyone !
Wow , Another month has flown by ! I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer and staying busy . The court and I have been especially busy attending horse shows and various events throughout the weeks and weekends . We recently were in the Belle Plaine BBQ days parade and could not have more fun ! I rode my 3 year old “ Socks ” and she handled everything like a champ ! It was so great to see some new and familiar faces in the crowd as we rode by .
We have also been preparing for our upcoming horse show on August 13th at JRD Ranch in Arlington ! We have amazing prizes 1st-6th place , high point awards for every age division , and money added to the Jackpot classes ! We also have two bonus classes for dads , the show was originally scheduled as a “ Father ’ s Day ” show but due to heat we decided to reschedule , but keep the theme ! We hope to see everyone there for an extremely fun-filled day !
Another quickly approaching event is the WSCA royalty banquet held the day before our show ( August 12th ) at The Mermaid Event Center in Mounds View , MN . This is a great event to attend to support a saddle club member , horse show friends , or a family member , or maybe you would like to run in the future- this is a great event to attend to gain some insight to what your contest would look like . It is crazy to think that a year ago I was in the position of preparing my speech and studying for the interviews ! RSVP for this great event by August 4th . The form can be found on Facebook , WSCA . org , or reaching out to any of the court members ! Tickets are $ 22 and includes a delicious dinner .
This event is a huge step into the next part of the royalty contest and I know the contestants would love all the support they can get . Another reminder about the royalty contest- buy those raffle tickets ! These raffle tickets help a ton in off-setting some of the costs for the newly crowned royalty , as well as benefiting WSCA . Talk to any of the contestants running to get your hands on some tickets , if you are having trouble finding someone , let me know and I will point you in the right direction !
Our events are quickly dwindling down and the court and I are trying to soak up every moment together as our reign comes to a close . We have a great event coming up on August 20th to support the Special Olympics and I am so excited ! I will have more information on that event as it gets a bit closer , but we cannot wait ! As Champshow continues to approach , I cannot help but think about the amazing year I have had representing WSCA as your Queen and Ms . Conge- niality , and how much I will truly miss this amazing experience but I am so excited for the new court to have this opportunity . WSCA Queen was something that I had always wanted to achieve and now that my time is almost up , it ’ s such a bittersweet feeling . I hope to see you all at some upcoming events and wish you the best of luck for the rest of the summer !
God Bless ! Emily Berger 2021-2022 WSCA Queen & Ms . Congeniality