There are 100 lockers in a row , all initially closed . A person walks down the row and opens every locker . Then , another person walks down the row and closes every second locker ( starting from the second locker ). Next , a third person walks down the row and changes the state ( opens it if it ’ s closed or closes it if it ’ s open ) of every third locker ( starting from the third locker ). This continues until 100 people have walked down the row . At the end , which lockers are open ?
JULY SOLUTION There is no missing dollar . The guests have paid a total of $ 27 ($ 25 to the hotel and $ 2 to the bellboy ).
Correct Answers Submitted By : Benjamin Osgood , Ranger Eng ., Group Nate Miller , SNH Planning Commission Nick Gonzalez , Hoyle Tanner Matthew O ' Brien , PE , McFarland Johnson
There are 100 lockers in a row , all initially closed . A person walks down the row and opens every locker . Then , another person walks down the row and closes every second locker ( starting from the second locker ). Next , a third person walks down the row and changes the state ( opens it if it ’ s closed or closes it if it ’ s open ) of every third locker ( starting from the third locker ). This continues until 100 people have walked down the row . At the end , which lockers are open ?
Please send your answers to Thomas Selling via e-mail : thomasselling @ me . com Correct responses will be recognized in the future issues of the New Hampshire Civil Engineer
JULY SOLUTION There is no missing dollar . The guests have paid a total of $ 27 ($ 25 to the hotel and $ 2 to the bellboy ).
Correct Answers Submitted By : Benjamin Osgood , Ranger Eng ., Group Nate Miller , SNH Planning Commission Nick Gonzalez , Hoyle Tanner Matthew O ' Brien , PE , McFarland Johnson