Dear ASCE Members ,
I am excited to pen my very first message to you all as President and as we step into the fall season , it ’ s time to appreciate the strong foundations we ' ve built together — both in our projects and within our ASCE community . Hard to believe that the trees are already changing colors … wasn ’ t it just Springtime ?
I want to take a moment to extend my sincerest gratitude to our outstanding board of directors ( conveniently listed to your right ). They have been the bedrock of our organization , supporting our membership with the same strength and reliability as a wellengineered retaining wall . Was that corny enough for you all ? ���� And to our now past president , your commitment to this organization has been nothing short of incredible . Thank you to the entire board and ASCE membership for your tireless efforts in advancing the profession and for helping us build a better future , one project at a time .
Looking ahead , as a board , we have decided that our primary objective for the coming year is to continue increasing our scholarship fund , allowing us to provide more and more financial support to the next generation of engineers . Our success in expanding these opportunities has been outstanding thanks to your support and we are committed to continuing this momentum . As we are all too aware , enrollment in engineering is down across the board so we want to be doing all that we can to help provide access and each of you is instrumental in doing so . Speaking of Scholarships !..
ASCE-NH Scholarship Golf Outing : - Rescheduled to 9 / 20 ; still at Beaver Meadow Golf Course
ASCE / SENH Fisher Cats Fundraising Event : Write-up to come Here ’ s to fall being right around the corner ! Warm regards ,
Michael Eno President , ASCE-NH