August_September 2023 ASCE Newsletter | Page 6

As rapidly changing environmental conditions and increased frequency of extreme events threaten our infrastructure , civil engineers are faced with the challenges of designing new structures and modifying existing structures for resiliency . In recent years , Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy have brought resiliency to the forefront due to the human and economic costs of those events .
ASCE defines resilience as “ the ability to plan , prepare for , mitigate , and adapt to changing conditions from hazards to enable rapid recovery of physical , social , economic , and ecological infrastructure .” The U . S . Army Corps of Engineers defines resilience as “ the ability to anticipate , prepare for and adapt to changing conditions and withstand and recover from disruptions .”
Components of resilience include robustness , resourcefulness , recovery , and redundancy . The tools used by civil engineers to design for resiliency are many , but include analyzing climate data , performing risk assessments , incorporating extreme events into designs , designing adaptivity into systems , monitoring and maintenance , and use of research and innovation .
Resources to aid civil engineers ’ resilience planning and design include ASCE ’ s 2018 Manual of Practice 140 , Climate-Resilient Infrastructure : Adaptive Design and Risk Management , and ASCE ’ s 2021 Manual of Practice 144 , Hazard-Resilient Infrastructure : Analysis and Design .
Credit : https :// www . state . gov / dipnote-u-s-department-of-state-official-blog / science-speaks-sea-levelrise / climatechange-antarcticmeltingglacierinaglobalwarming /
Sources : � ASCE Policy Statement 518 ; 2021 � U . S . Army Corps of Engineers Resilience Initiation Roadmap ; 2016 � Designing Resilience , PE Magazine , Kaplan-Leiserson , Eva ; 2014 � How to Make Infrastructure More Resilient Against Climate Change , Civil Engineering Magazine ,
Reid , Robert L .; 2022