There ' s no reason to become alarmed , and we hope you enjoy the rest of your flight . By the way , is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane ? – Julie Hagerty in “ Airplane !,” 1980 .
Ok , I promise to make my movie references a little more current then the above , but I saw this quote and it embodied much of my feelings as I transition into the role as your ASCE NH President . Luckily , I am surrounded by a pretty fantastic group of people , your new ASCE NH Board of Directors ( prominently displayed next to this article ) and I have every expectation they will help keep the plane in the air over the next year .
You don ’ t know unless you ask . If you don ’ t ask , the answer ’ s always no . I ’ m sure this needs to be attributed to someone , but for the time being let ’ s just pretend it is a Golon original . So when your Board recently sat down to conduct its first meeting , I asked the question I didn ’ t know the answer to “ what do we want to do this year ?”. A harmless enough open-ended question , but it brought about a great roundtable discussion that highlighted continuing / expanding on our previous successes ( scholarship fund , on-line hosted lunch and learns ) and some new motivators to better engage and expand the membership . As a Board , we are excited to share these ventures with you as the year unfolds , so continue reading the New Hampshire Civil Engineer and check our website ascenh . org for what we have instore for the year .
I ’ ll close with a question to all of you , what can your ASCE Board of Directors do for you ? Seems like a simple enough question , but please ask ! Your Board doesn ’ t intend to guide ASCE NH like a Michael Myers Saturday Night Live coffee talk discussion , " Rhode Island is neither a road nor is it an island . Discuss .", take a minute and ponder it , no false pretenses , just an honest question from a fairly honest group of people . We can ’ t wait to hear from you !
Cheers , Nick Golon , PE ASCE-NH President