August Newsletter 2022 | Page 5


THE ORCHARDS ’ “ 70TH YEAR IN BUSINESS ” CELEBRATION TAKES FLIGHT The Orchards began a journey on the day they celebrated their “ 70th Year In Business ” celebration ! They chose to join the fight to save Monarchs while creating a beautiful experience for residents and staff , alike . So far , this experience has brought in allies and friends to help send us on our way . Some friends who have helped us on our journey are : Tom Hineman , who donated milkweed , Mexican Sunflowers , and expertise . Riley Pancake of Pancakes Nursery with a donation of nectar plants . The maintenance staff for tilling and construction of our gardens . And many others that donated seeds , knowledge , time and gardening supplies .
Many events have landed in our celebrations beginning with our 70th Year in Business Kick-Off , Friendship Planting , Bird House Painting , and Butterfly talks .
A special event will take place on Thursday , August 18th when Dorothy Reynolds , who also donated nectar plants , will join the Chester campus for a butterfly talk . She has been raising butterflies for over 25 years , with releasing 500 Monarchs last year . Tents will be raised on the main campus so she can educate us on the Monarch butterflies as well as a small release with some that she has protected to flight .
As a child , you may remember seeing many Monarch and Swallowtail butterflies fluttering about your favorite flowers or swimming spots . The oranges , yellows and blues floating passed would quickly catch your eye .
Today , the butterfly visits are becoming fewer due to habitat loss , predators and pesticides . Monarch ’ s are now close to the “ Endangered Species ” list .
Thanks to Wilson ’ s sister Dorothy , we were able to release two Monarch ’ s and Swallowtails . The Swallowtail , pictured here , decided to stay a while on Barbara ’ s hand before it took it ’ s first flight into the big outdoors !
Dorothy gifted The Orchards a few chrysalises so that we could begin our butterfly raising this year ! The Monarch chrysalis ( Pictured above left ) and the Swallowtail chrysalis ( Pictured above right ) took flight just a week later from receiving them . Watching them transform over the week span was truly amazing . Glenda , of the Pepperberry Suites released the Monarchs and Barb , of the Peachtree Inn released the Swallowtail . Stay tuned as we continue our journey !