August Eid-Ul-Adha 2017 August Eid-Ul-Adha 2017 | Page 9

The Agency That Cares www . africamuslimsagency . co . za

A little sacrifice goes a long way ...

Outside South Africa


per share


In South Africa

-R1900 + per share

Let ’ s Empower : AMA purchases Qurbani livestock from local Villages creating income for local herdsman . Let ’ s Educate : Local herdsman are trained to nuture the livestock long before Eid-ul-Adha . Local villagers are also educated on the Qurbani process and participate in the slaughtering to inculcate the Sunnah of Nabi Ebrahim ( AS ).
AMA , trucks in live animals for Qurbani to remote villages . Our approach ensures that the local community does not only receive the meat , but also fully experiences the true essence of the day of Eid-ul-Adha .

AMA Offices

JHB : 011 834 8685 / 6 / 7 LENASIA : 011 852 2142 KZN : 031 207 5676 CPT : 021 699 0545 24hr No : 083 251 9376

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