August Eid-Ul-Adha 2017 August Eid-Ul-Adha 2017 | Page 5

QURBANI INDIA – 2017 / 1438 A.H (FOUNDED BY MARHOOM MOULANA ABDUL HAQ OMARJEE R.A.) MUHTARAM, ASSALAAMU ALAIKUM – BISMIHI TA’ALA As usual we are arranging Qurbani to India in poor Muslim communities This year the cost of Qurbani – Cow or Buffalo (7 shares) costs R1400.00 The price per individual share is R200.00 If you are interested please contact me on the following numbers: BUSINESS: 031 306 1957 HOME: 031 207 2856 / CELL: 083 348 2643 / TELKOM:081 2462 268 Or at 158a Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Street, Durban NB: You must nominate me as Wakeel for your Qurbani Cash and Cheques to be deposited in: BANK: BRANCH: NAME OF A/C: ACC. No. : BRANCH CODE: REFERENCE NO. : ABSA BANK CENTRE CITY ALBARAKA BANK 4073412216 632005 78600055454 EFT PAYMENTS: ALBARAKA BANK BRANCH CODE: 800000 A/C TYPE: CURRENT ACC NO: 78600055454 ACC NAME: M.S.A.H OMARJEE NB: Reference number must be stated on the slip. Please darken all fax copies. Please fax a copy of your deposit slip to 031 306 5064 or email: [email protected]