August Eid-Ul-Adha 2017 August Eid-Ul-Adha 2017 | Page 16

N A T I O N A L A N SOUTH AFRICAN AFRICAN NATIONAL NATIONAL ZAKAH ZAKAH FUND FUND Es t . 1 9 7 4 Summarised Annual Review of Activities and Audited Financial Statements for 2016-17/1437-38 COMPASSION AS A WAY OF LIFE GOVERNANCE AND TRANSFORMATION SANZAF is committed to sustainable good governance through open, accountable and transparent practices. Whilst this is already part of our culture, there is always a need to review and assess the governance environment in light of changes precipi- tated by technology, policy and legislation. In the name of Allah (SWT), most Gracious, most Merciful Alhamdulillah, as ever, the South African National Zakah Fund (SANZAF) has been working tirelessly to transform your contribution into invaluable interventions to halt the devasta- tion of poverty. The past year has impressed upon us the imperative of compassion. Poverty dehumanises the individu- al as well as entire communities. Allah (SWT) declares in Surah Al Isra (17:70) that He has honoured humanity and that He has certainly favoured humanity above the rest of creation. It therefore places a greater responsibility on organisations like SANZAF to