August 5, 2022 | Página 2

2 SWORD OF THE LORD August 5 , 2022
Praising the Lord National Sword of the Lord Conference , Gospel Light Baptist Church , Walkertown , North Carolina
The National Sword of the Lord Conference has been at Gospel Light Baptist Church for the past 31 years except for 2020 and 2021 . That ’ s 29 years of absolutely incred - ible conferences here . And this year was no exception — it was all we anticipated and more .
After all of the COVID stress and with gas prices through the roof , we did not know what to expect ; but a lot of people came and the Conference was super special service after service . With 17 preaching times , three afternoons of teaching sessions and music par excellence , we were blessed in full measure repeatedly .
We are grateful to Pastor Matt Morrison , his staff and the members of Gospel Light Baptist Church for their gracious hospitality to all of us . It was wonderful working with them . The food service workers , the ushers , the sound and camera op - era tors , the nursery workers and children ’ s workers plus the cleanup crews — they were all there to help us and serve our guests who came from almost everywhere .
We had thirteen members of our Sword staff there working to keep everything moving smoothly . When you do a big event like this , there ’ s a lot of hard work in setting up beforehand and then taking things down afterwards . Then during the Conference they are putting in twelve- to fourteenhour days .
Although we were not quite at pre-COVID levels in attendance , the crowds were strong and grew stronger as the week progressed . If you add the onsite attendance to the livestream viewers from around the world , the total would be even stronger than the pre-COVID levels .
We were very thankful for every person who came and every person who tuned in . The Lord gave us great services morning and evening . The altars filled with burdened folks at every altar call .
The 17 Conference messages and the School of the Prophets sessions are all recorded and available only through our VIP Clubs . You may receive them on CD or MP3 .
The VIP Club ($ 125 ) has the full Conference album ( audio ) plus a lapel pin and a laser engraved aluminum flashlight .
The VIP Gold Club ($ 250 ) has the full Conference album ( audio ) plus a lapel pin , laser engraved aluminum flashlight and laser etched white tumbler .
The VIP Diamond Club ($ 500 ) has the full Conference album ( audio ) plus a lapel pin , laser en - graved aluminum flashlight , laser etched tumbler and Port Authority ® embroidered sport duffel bag .
Your support of our VIP Clubs helps to insure that the National Sword Conference is undergirded financially . I need your help ; and if you can be a VIP partner , I will be very grateful .
All in all , we thank the Lord for another tremendous National Sword of the Lord Conference . It was indeed the highlight of the year for many of us .
Now let me urge you to mark your calendar and let ’ s plan for the next one .
It is scheduled for July 17 – 20 , 2023 ( should the Lord tarry His coming ), at the Gospel Light Baptist Church in Walkertown , North Carolina .
Our School of the Prophets Themes and Thrusts
In the ninety-minute afternoon sessions at the National Sword Conference , our School of the Prophets was , as always , all about church and church-related matters . This time I had the assistance and the expertise of six of our Con - ference speakers . Mike Wells , Jeff Fugate , Dennis Leatherman , John Hamblin , Jerry Ross and Jason Godsey all had a part in these sessions .
They gave very detailed , practical instructions on soul winning , bus ministry , big days , reaching young people , doing great things and fundamentalism . I had three ses - sions , namely , “ Let ’ s Get Over It ,”
( USPS 531-160 ) ( ISSN 0039-7547 ) AMERICA ’ S FOREMOST REVIVAL PUBLICATION DR . JOHN R . RICE , Founder-Editor 1934-1980 DR . CURTIS HUTSON , President-Editor 1980-1995
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“ Let ’ s Have Church ” and “ Let ’ s Pay the Bills .”
Churches of all sizes will benefit by these lectures . You may not be able to do everything these men recommend , but I assure you that there are plenty of suggestions that can be easily utilized .
All of the School of the Prophets is included in the Conference albums along with all 17 preaching mes - sages . They are available through the Sword VIP Clubs ( which help us underwrite the expenses of the Conferences ).
Because you support the Sword of the Lord , we are able to provide things like the School of the Proph - ets .
New Heights Baptist Church , Reidsville , North Carolina
On the Sunday before National Sword of the Lord Conference , I was with Pastor Terry Lawson and the New Heights Baptist Church in Reidsville , North Carolina .
Located on twenty-one prime acres on Highway 14 on the east side of Reidsville , the New Heights Baptist Church was planted here in 1952 . Brother Lawson has been here three and one-half years , but he is only the third pastor in the 70-year history of the church .
This was my first time here to be with them , but since they are well acquainted with the Sword of the Lord , it didn ’ t take but a few minutes for us to get the day rolling . I taught the auditorium Bible class and preached both the morning and evening services . Brother Law - son , his family and several others provide good , strong music .
I had good liberty and enjoyed preaching .
On Sunday night , the church had a special fellowship time to cele - brate Brother Lawson ’ s birthday that was earlier in the week .
If you live in or near Reidsville , let me suggest you go visit New Heights Baptist Church sometime soon .
Taking Hold and Taking Charge , Moving Forward
“ But even after that we had suffered before , and were shamefully entreated , as ye know , at Philippi , we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention .”— I Thess . 2:2 .
When our churches are strong , our nation is strengthened . When the churches go soft , the nation falls on hard times .
When our churches are bold , the anti-God antagonists are quieted and stymied in their efforts .
When our churches are aggres - sive in their efforts , the pews fill up and the impact on individuals and families becomes obvious .
If our churches are strong , bold and aggressive , you can be sure that they have leadership ( pastors and others ) who have taken hold and taken charge .
No church , whether it be large , small or in between , can be what it is supposed to be without its leaders ’ stepping up and taking charge .
If your church has made the mistake of saddling your pastor by insisting that the church , the deacons or some committee ap - prove and vote on every detail of everything , you need to correct that immediately .
Success in ministry is like success in many other things in life in that someone has to make it his business to pursue it .
With summer , vacations , etc ., about to be over , it is a great time , an opportune time , for all of us to
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Noteworthy News
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4 . The government will reduce reporting about the complications of medication abortions .…
5 . The federal government will initiate a pro-abortion campaign .…
6 . The executive order establishes an interagency task force and demands the HHS Secretary report what steps it has taken within 30 days .
— Ben Johnson , washingtonstand . com
George Soros Says “ Far Right ” Americans a Bigger Threat to America Than Russia or China
Liberal billionaire George Soros claimed that the greatest threat to the U . S . is “ far-right extremists ” on the U . S . Supreme Court and not dictators like China ’ s Xi Jinping or Russia ’ s Vladimir Putin .
“ From abroad , the U . S . is threatened by repressive regimes led by Xi Jinping in China and Vladimir Putin ’ s Russia who want to impose an autocratic form of government on the world ,” Soros wrote in an op-ed published by Project Syndicate . “ But the threat to the U . S . from the domestic enemies of democracy is even greater .…”
To make matters worse , Soros shared his over-the-top article head - lined “ U . S . Democracy Under Concerted Attack ” on Independence Day , July 4 .
— Jeffrey Clark , lifenews . com
Christian Student Stoned , Burned by Islamic Radicals
The Gatestone Institute reported that in Nigeria in May “ a Muslim mob beat , stoned and then burned the body of Deborah Emmanuel , a Christian college student who earlier had refused the sexual advances of a Muslim man . He retaliated by loudly proclaiming that she had blasphemed Muhammad , the prophet of Islam .”
Such horrific violence against Christians … is so commonplace in Nigeria that attacks continue to appear in persecution-related news feeds but are seldom officially investigated .
Biden to Spend Mega Money on Gender Equality , Climate Projects in Developing Nations
The most notable but expensive and potentially wasteful product of [ this year ’ s Group of Seven Leaders ’ Summit in Germany ] is a new $ 600 billion infrastructure financing program , the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment .
… President Joe Biden highlighted his commitment to the global infrastructure program by volunteering America to pay for a third of the $ 600 billion .…
… The global infrastructure initiative intends to fund projects in areas such as gender equality , “ equity ” and climate change among other left-leaning fronts .
— Anthony B . Kim , dailysignal . com
EDITOR ’ S COMMENTS : Simple math demonstrates that ’ s $ 200 billion . That ’ s your tax dollars on these loony , left-wing causes !
“ Imperialism of Woke Culture ” Is Greatest Threat to Religious Freedom Worldwide
The head of a … religious freedom advocacy organization cited “ the dominance of woke culture that thinks it ’ s okay to silence people who disagree ” as the greatest threat to religious freedom in the United States and around the world .
Michael Farris , president and CEO of Alliance Defending Freedom , discussed the state of religious freedom at home and abroad in an interview with the Christian Post ahead of … the second annual International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington , D . C .…
Explaining that many people , including Christians , find themselves on “ the receiving end of efforts to silence them , to cause them to lose their careers ” and “ not have the ability to even get their opinions out in public society ,” Farris said , “ the dominance of woke culture that thinks it ’ s okay to silence people who disagree is very dangerous in many respects for freedom of speech and freedom of religion ” in the U . S .
Farris told CP that “ in some sectors of the world ,” the greatest threat to religious freedom is “ the same as the United States ,” specifically , “ the imperialism of woke culture .”…
“ I don ’ t think that the majority of Americans support this ,” he added , noting that “ waking up the big middle of the country to what ’ s happening ” is a necessary step in reversing the trend of intolerance because “ most Americans still believe in their heart that everybody should be able to say whatever they want and not suffer the consequences of being subjected to mob violence .”
— Ryan Foley , christianpost . com
Burger King Donating Up to $ 250K to LGBT Group in Swipe at Chick-fil-A
Burger King , one of the largest … global fast-food companies , sent out a tweet … announcing …“ the # ChKing says LGBTQ + rights !” The tweet , which is now pinned to the Burger King Twitter account , referred to the Ch ’ King , the restaurant chain ’ s newly created chicken sandwich .
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