AUGUST 2024- GOOD NEWS - - Issue to publish online | Page 41


Dear Battle of the Sexes :
My girlfriend has a phobia about dealing with problems . Rather than confronting or discussing a relationship issue , she chooses to stay silent or ignore it completely . That just makes things worse , because I silently seethe after I try to bring things up and she just won ' t deal with it . Her parents are apparently the same way , and all they do is complain about each other to anyone who will listen . I would think she ' d want to be different from them , because I know it upsets her when they trash one another , but instead , she just seems to be following in their footsteps . Then , when we have a disagreement , she ' ll do silly , passive aggressive things to show me she ' s still angry . I know it makes her and a lot of people uneasy to actually have a deep discussion , but I think if they would just try it , they ' d feel so much better !
- Anonymous , Lock Haven
Dear Battle of the Sexes : My wife keeps our house really nice , with our refrigerator being the exception . Some of the stuff in there has been in containers for months and is just disgusting ! When I mention the fact that the fridge needs to be cleaned out she just ignores me . I ' d be happy to do it myself , but the one time I did , she got really mad at me because I threw something away that she wanted to keep . I still think I saved us all from food poisoning , but I ' m not going to make that mistake again !
- Worried husband , Mill Hall
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Opinions expressed in this column are those of the letter writers , and are not necessarily shared by the “ Good News ” Staff .

Thought For The Day

“ The first step to getting what you want is to have to courage to get rid of what you don ' t ." - Zig Ziglar

Silly Snapshots

" Seems accurate ."
See something that tickles your funny bone ? Email your picture to : bearcountrygoodnews @ gmail . com .
Keep it clean , please ! Be sure to include your name , address , and phone number in email .
Just fill in the entry form below and mail to : “ GOOD NEWS ” P . O . Box 99 • Avis , PA 17721 Must receive entries by 2pm on 8 / 22 / 24 .
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