AUGUST 2024- GOOD NEWS - - Issue to publish online | Page 20

PHONE : 570-769-2877


Living -- pages 18 - 21

To your Health !

- Proper Hydration -
With record-breaking temperatures this summer , being properly hydrated is a major concern . Dehydration is a condition that occurs when you don ' t have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions . Every cell , tissue , and organ in your body needs water to work properly . It flushes toxins from your organs , helps you digest the food you eat , carries nutrients to your cells , and cushions your joints .
Mayo Clinic advises us to drink more water when it suddenly gets warmer – but that doesn ’ t always help as much as it should – especially for those who suffer from underlying autoimmune issues . Sudden cold to hot temperature changes can cause you to lose more fluid than you can possibly take in , and that could have serious health consequences . Just 1 to 2 percent of body water loss can lead to issues with your cognitive abilities , such as disorientation , and trouble concentrating or communicating . Physical symptoms include fatigue , severe dizziness , headaches , increased heart rate , muscle cramps , and constipation .
It ’ s easy to simply forget to drink more water when temperatures rise . And some people complain that they just don ' t really like water . It is a bit boring and doesn ' t have obvious , immediate benefits like caffeinated beverages . But there are many choices that can help you increase your fluid intake . Products with electrolytes , such as Gatorade and Pedialyte , can help kick start your recovery . There are a number of recipes for natural electrolyte beverages online if you are concerned about sugar content . And flavored waters can certainly help make drinking water more palatable and interesting .
The way you drink makes a difference , too – some physicians recommend drinking large amounts of water at a time ( up to 20 ounces ) to speed up what is known as gastric emptying – moving the fluids through your system more quickly to cool yourself down . Choose the liquid you drink to recover from dehydration carefully . Water or the fluids mentioned above are best – anything with more than 6 % carbohydrate content ( like juice or soda ) should be avoided , as the extra carbs will slow down the gastric emptying process . How to hydrate better ? Be aware ! At work , for example , try drinking a glass of water between every cup of coffee or tea or can of soda that you usually consume . Leave water visible so it isn ' t out of sight , out of mind . Sample different flavors and mix it up so it ' s not too boring .
How do you know if you are drinking enough water ? A general rule of thumb , according to medical experts , is 15.5 cups of fluids a day for men , and 11.5 cups of fluids daily for women . Another easy formula to help you remember- drink one half to one ounce of water daily for each pound you weigh . Stay hydrated to stay healthy !
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PHONE : 570-769-2877

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Suite 310 , 1 Outlet Lane , McElhattan ( in the UPMC Outpatient Center ) 18 -- “ Good News ” -- August -- www . bearcountrygoodnews . com