procedures , and more . We will begin in the sanctuary ( elementary building ) before visiting classrooms in the secondary building . ( Feel free to leave textbooks and supplies in your car until we switch buildings .)
Important information will also be shared at the end of the evening with juniors , seniors , and their parents about guidance / college planning , the Junior-Senior Banquet , and the Senior Class Trip .
Back-to-School Bash On Friday , August 30 , beginning after dismissal , parents with their students ( Preschool through Grade 12 ) are invited to join us for an afternoon of fun including a service-related art project , team-building games , and a frozen treat .
First Day of School Celebrations
First Day Celebration The first day of school is Wednesday , August 30 , with a 1:00 early dismissal . We look forward to our traditional First Day of School Celebration ! Students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 will be dropped off at the elementary building between 8:15 and 8:30 ; everyone will enter the chapel ( MCN sanctuary ) to find their respective classes by looking for their grade ’ s sign being held up by a teacher or classmate . Our faculty and staff will be introduced to the students through an assembly that emphasizes this year ’ s theme of Together Before the Throne . ( Students in Preschool and K- Prep will head directly to their classrooms instead of meeting in the sanctuary .)
Parent Coffee / Breakfast We are planning a time of fellowship in the elementary foyer for parents after the First Day of School Celebration . We hope you can join us !
PTFA Fundraiser at Sweet Frog You are invited to join us for our traditional after-school event at Sweet Frog in Manchester on the first day of school ( Wednesday , August 28 ) from 1:00-4:00 at Sweet Frog . The PTFA will benefit from a portion of our sales if you tell the cashier that you are with Cornerstone !
Ready for School to Begin ?
Please review the following checklist to be sure your student is ready to begin the year .
_____ Do you have all your paperwork submitted ? All returning families need to submit a signed tuition contract , updated medical and immunization forms as mandated by the State of Connecticut ( for students entering Pre-K , Kindergarten , and Grades 7 & 10 ), and a signed Photo Waiver . All new CCS families need to submit the above paperwork plus emergency contact information .
_____ Does your student in Grades 6-12 have all of his / her textbooks ( or at least proof of purchase )? This is a requirement for each student in Grades 6-12 . Students will not be permitted to attend classes after the first day of school if they do not have their books or proof of purchase . CLICK HERE to access the textbook list . The textbook and supplies lists are also available on the CCS app .
_____ Does your student in Grades 6-12 have a copy of his / her schedule ? You can obtain a copy of your student ’ s schedule on Sycamore ; however , we will still distribute a new copy to your student on the first day of school . Requests to add or drop electives courses may be submitted to the Secondary Principal within the first two weeks of school ( ending 8:30 AM on 9 / 11 ). Requests to add / drop are not finalized until the Secondary Principal has communicated approval of each request . Students who signed up for Praise Team must keep in mind that this course is not finalized until after meeting with the
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