August 2021 Newsletter | Page 12



Golf Association

As we look back to mid-June , course conditions were very dry and the course and all our lawns needed to be heavily watered to avoid burnout . Fast forward to mid-July as we write this page , we ’ ve had significant rainfall that soaked our area , causing the annual summer conditions where holes are restricted to cartpath-only or even temporary closure is required to avoid damaging the course . The MGA board ’ s decision to avoid playing tournaments in the months where we typically have heavy rain and heat seems to be on the mark so far !
We need to act responsibly to avoid damaging the course when it is wet . Even when the holes are open to carts , using the 90-degree rule to go on and off the course minimizes the amount of riding we do on the course .
The extra effort to play during cart-path-only and the summer heat brings heat related health issues into play , so we also need to monitor our health while out on the course in the hot and humid weather . Make sure to properly hydrate ( sorry , those cold beers don ’ t help !) to avoid heat related issues this summer .
Let ’ s navigate the course safely for the next couple of months for the courses and our own benefit , so we all emerge from the summer heat and rains in great shape !
MGA BOARD Dave Conway , President Tony Longa , Vice President Steve Beck , Treasurer Eric Cousins , Secretary Smith Patterson , Tournament Chairman Matt McDonald , Handicap Chairman
12 eaglebrooke newsletter AUGUST