Dear members of SJGCC
The unfortunate life of a golfer and a golf course superintendent- as soon as the greens are healing in and playing nicely it is once again time to aerify them . We will be punching all the greens on Tuesday August 3rd . We are changing our practices this time and using a deep solid tine . A contractor will come in and punch . 5 ” diameter holes to around a depth of 6 to 8 inches without pulling a core . The idea is to affect the soil profile deeper within the green . While we will not be removing as much organic matter as the last aerification we will have deeper channels to incorporate fresh material . Ideally this process will allow for deeper rooting and better drainage on the greens . We will also be punching tees and some other problem areas on the course .
As many of you may have noticed the chipping green bunker really took a hit during one of our many storms recently . The storm that day dumped 2.5 ” of rain on the property in a little over an hour . We have fixed this area once in the past but will not attempt an in-house patch job this time . In September the bunker is being entirely rebuilt and reshaped . No definite plans on how it is going to look yet but we are shooting for something more maintenance and golfer friendly .
The grass is definitely growing at this point , and we apologize for any inconvenience from clippings and debris left behind from mowers . We are trying to stay on top of blowing but can be difficult at times . As always thank you for your support and even more so for your patience .
Thanks ,
Mike O ’ Malley