August 2019 August 2019 | Page 25

PowerFilm Solar, PowerDrive Golf Car Solar Panels (www. • Fits most models and brands using each carts existing mounting system. • Carbon neutral, ideal for environmentally sustainable golf course management. • Charges while in use, resulting in a increased rang on the course of 30%-50% • Solar Powered Fleets reduce their consumption from the electric grid by 50%-75% • Prolongs the life of costly batteries up to 50% more. • Does not affect the manufacturer’s warranty. where the extra weight comes from. The average U.S. house- hold will spend $3,475 a year just fueling vehicles. This is approximately 18,600lbs of CO2 a year! If your golf cart substitutes 100 gallons of gas throughout the year, that would be equivalent to saving 660lbs of waste going to a landfill…or saving 37 cylin- ders of propane used for home barbecuing or saving over 2 bar- rels of oil from being consumed. Go GREEN Fact: Batteries are being recycled at a rate of 98 percent! GO GREEN Factors Did you know that one gallon of gasoline used while driving ac- tually produces almost 20lbs of CO2! How can this be, a gallon of gas only weighs about 7lbs? Actually, most of the weight of the CO2 does not come from the gasoline itself. It is pro- duced during combustion of the engine and most of the CO2 comes from the oxygen in the air. When the gas burns, carbon and hydrogen separate. The hy- drogen combines with oxygen, making water (H2O), and carbon combines with oxygen forming carbon dioxide (CO2). Due to two parts oxygen being brought in from the atmosphere, this is Another go green factor, electric golf cart batteries are recyclable. Lead-acid bat- teries are the environmental success story of our time. In fact, a National Recycling Rate Study com- missioned by Battery Council International (BCI) reveals that batteries are being recycled at a rate of 98 percent. Compared to 55% of aluminum soft drink and beer cans, 45% of newspa- pers, 26% of glass bottles and 26% of tires, lead-acid batteries top the list of the most highly recycled consumer product. The goal is to recycle all lead batteries. While it’s important to know that all the component of a recyclable lead battery can be reused, it’s comforting to know that they actually are…. The lead-acid battery gains its environmental edge from its closed-loop life cycle. The typical new lead-acid battery contains 60 to 80 percent recycled lead and plastic. Battery users re- turn their used lead batteries to a drop-off site (like our golf car service department), where they are then sent back to the battery wholesaler (we use Safe-Start), then to secondary lead smelters. Secondary smelt- ers melt and refine the lead plates and separate the plastic. Under strict environmental regulations, the lead and plas- tic are reclaimed and sent to a reprocessor for manufacture into new plastic products. The purified lead is delivered to the battery manufacturers and oth- er industries. The acid is collect- ed and either reused or treated. Eventually, the original battery components may end up being used to make new lead batter- ies. The recycling cycle goes on indefinitely. That means the lead and plastic in the lead-acid battery in your golf car have been – and will continue to be — recycled many, many times. This makes lead-acid battery disposal extremely successful from both environmental and cost perspectives. Go GREEN Fact: The typical new lead-acid battery contains 60 to 80% recycled lead and plastic. So, not only are golf cars a fun and inexpensive way to ride, it’s environmentally friendly way to go green! “The Consumer Guide to Lead Battery Recycling” produced by the Battery Council Internation- al, gy/energy-resources/calculator. html#results AUGUST 2019 25