The Golf Cart
This Is A Story taken from The Golf Cart Chronicles - A Compilation Of Funny Golf Cart/Golfing Related Short Stories
Who Said You Can’t Eat A
Golf Car?
(This subject is a made-up story intended to entertain and amuse you)
ast week my straight
talking husband Bert
reminded me that next
Friday will be Buddy’s
one year anniversary.
I knew immediately he
was hinting about hav-
ing a special anniversary
party to mark the date
he took ownership of
buddy his flashy brand
new powder blue mo-
torized golf cart. There
is no question Bert is
preoccupied with Buddy,
his soul mate, chum, pal,
friend, companion, and
Weird as it may sound, this was
not a laughing matter. Almost
nothing in our inner circle would
be more important than celebrat-
ing this extraordinary occasion
as one would for a loved one. I
would never ignore Bert’s wish
because to do otherwise would
create a great disappointment.
In our family, we do not break
one’s heart even if the subject
matter is harmlessly unusual.
Fred will have a spectacular sur-
prise anniversary party for Buddy.
Plans were made, invitations were
sent out, and party food was or-
dered. The only missing item was
dessert. Traditionally a wedding
cake is served at a wedding re-
ception. So, I thought; in keeping
with this significant anniversary
celebration for Buddy, why not
serve a custom made to order Golf
Cart Cake?
In our family, we do not
break one’s heart
That is to say, Bert would have
his cake and eat it because Bud-
dy sure as heck could not. Just
imagine a real Golf Cart eating a
delicious cake replica of its self.
Doesn’t that take the cake?
So, I visited the local Anything
Goes Bakery to order a one-of-a-